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"I don't get this!" I shouted angrily, glaring at the chess board. "Why can I never beat you?"

James snickered and I sent him an evil glare. He then tried to hide his laugh in a cough.

"Because, dear Ellie, I'm unbeatable," Sirius says, an arrogant smirk on his face. "Haven't you learned that yet? Honestly woman, you call yourself my best mate." He sighed dramatically, shaking his head.

I simply raised an eyebrow at him, letting him know I was not impressed. "Shut up, Sirius."

"James, Sirius, Ellie!" Shouted the voice of James Mum from downstairs. "It's time for supper!"

I hopped up from my seat excitedly. Mrs. Potter had the best cooking ever! "Food!" I yelled happily.

James laughed and I smiled. I loved his laugh. It was a beautiful sound that could lighten your day even if you'd been tortured endlessly. It was my favorite sound-- wait, no it wasn't! Landon's laugh was my favorite sound. James was just my best friend, a brother. Nothing more, nothing less.

"Let's go before Mr. Potter eats all the food," Sirius says, grabbing each of our hands.

As we walked down the stairs, the smell of chocolate chip cookies, and hamburgers filled my nose. I smiled happily. My favorite!

"This smells great, Mrs. potter!" I exclaimed, sitting down at my usual spot at the kitchen table. James sat beside me on my left, and Sirius at my left.

"Thank you dear," said Mrs. Potter as she slid a plate to me with a warm smile. "I do hope it tastes as good as it smells."

"Oh, it will," I said nodding and shoving food into my face. I ate like a boy, with food falling from my mouth because of my oversized bites.

"That's disgusting," said Mrs. Potter with a laugh as her eyes trailed from James, to me, to Sirius, to Mr. Potter. "You four eat like pigs."

"Hey!" James says, an offended look gracing his handsome features. Wait! Did I just say handsome? No, El, he is your fried! Not your boyfriend. You like Landon, anyways. "We're not pigs! We're just growing, that's all."

"No, no," said Sirius, shaking his head. "I'm pretty sure we're pigs."

I giggled softly at my friends. "So, are you guys ready to go back to Hogwarts tomorrow?"

"Yes!" Sirius exclaimed loudly. "I can't wait to get back home to Hogwarts! We can prank My brother this year! I bet he'll be in Slytherin, no, I know he will."

After a few more minutes of eating, Mrs. Potter told us that we'd better get to bed if we wanted to wake up early tomorrow to get ready for Hogwarts. After some protests from us, mrs. Potter got us into our rooms and tucked in.

I had a guest room to myself while Sirius and James shared James's room. It was a little lonely, but I didn't care.

"Watch out Hogwarts, " I whispered to myself as I cuddled into my blanket, a mischievous smile on my face. "The best pranksters ever will be there soon. And this year we won't have to worry about stupid vampires so we'll get to prank a lot more."

And then I fell into my dreams filled with pranks, fun, and school.

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