The mission

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"The "Mission"" title credit appears.

Open on snowy plains.

Idaho: (sarcastically) Here's our BIG CHANCE, she says.

Ohio: (frustratingly) Idaho...?

Idaho: (still sarcastically) Here's our BIG BREAK, gonna finally get to hang out with the cool kids, she says.

Ohio: (still frustratingly) I'm right here.

Idaho: (plainly) Oh, I know. That's why I'm saying it.

Ohio: Oh, thanks! I really appreciate it, Spuds Mackenzie.

Idaho: Is that a freaking potato pun!? You know I didn't get to choose which state got assigned to me, right?

Ohio: No, no why don't you tell me more about the Project, asshole?!

Idaho: Okay, fine! I'll tell you more when you tell me more about the mission!

Ohio: We, have gone over this.

Idaho: You know it's not really a "mission" if the "mission" doesn't have a specific objective, right?!

Ohio: (stammers) Eh, Wh- They, forgot to send the mission objective! Y'know? Something... got disrupted... in the–the downloads! The–and–the–there's gotta be an explanation!

Idaho: There is. I've been telling you. There. Is. No. Mission! They just dropped us here!

Ohio: I know, okay?! Okay!? I, get it, I... I... I get it... (breaks down into sobs)

Idaho: (flatly) Really...? Crying...?

Ohio: (sobbing) I hate my life...

Idaho: (sighs) I didn't want to believe it either, but it seems pretty obvious...

Ohio: (sobbing) I know... (gasps) Oh my god. It's one big, freaking metaphor, isn't it? I mean, they are freezing us out of the program. They dropped us here because this is one giant cold shoulder of a planet. And this, is what we deserve. (sniff) You know, just let us slowly die of hypothermia over the course of several months on this, this... what th- what is the name of this planet, anyway? Snowball? Deep Freeze?! (sighs, sniffs) All I wanted was... one assignment. You know, just one chance to be given a purpose. (deep sigh) I've been trying too hard. (turns to Idaho) And the thing is, I was trying not to do that, y'know, as a woman.

Idaho: What does that even mean?

Ohio: The top women here are either total hard-charging badasses or phoney-as-shit little ingenues. All I want is meaningful work while still being myself.

Idaho: Which is what, exactly?

Ohio: Pfft. A dork. A screw-up. Just, I don't know, a person who likes geeking out about kung-fu movies with you idiots and eating cake after midnight. And who also happens to be a pretty good shot.

Idaho: But not a good enough shot to get sent on an actual mission, right?

Ohio: (snorts) No, I suppose not. Better shot than you, though.

Iowa drives by.

Iowa: Guys! Guys, I found something!

Ohio: (calls out) What did you say? Crap, he's turning around.

A crash off-screen.

Iowa: I found the mission!

Ohio and Idaho stand facing Iowa.

Ohio: And you're sure it's a base?

Idaho: And not like, you got too much snow in your helmet and got brain frostbite and had a near-death experience where you hallucinated we were finally on a mission?

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