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a lot has happened in the 1D world since I last updated so here is where the story stands. It is now 2 months into the OTRA tour so we fast forwarded a little. Zayn is gone but they are still friends with him. For the sake of Eleanor being Katie's roommate, Elounor is not over.And I know Payzer is no more, has been for a while now, but I didn't actually know about Sophia until after I started this so, I'm to lazy to do anything about that. Also, this is the last chapter but there will be an epilogue. Enjoy!

Katie POV

"Niall!!" I yelled as I saw my boyfriend turn the corner. I have been waiting for hours in the airport with Eleanor, Sophia, and Perrie for the boys. Soon, Nialls lips crashed onto mine. " I missed you so much baby!" He said. I put my arms around his neck. "Happy Anniversary honey" I said. He laughed, which I reacted to with a confused expression. " My my, look who's becoming a Brit! And happy anniversary love." he said. I gasped, and then realized something. I had developed a little accent. Niall noticed my face and quickly said, " I love it, I love, I really do!" He replied.

A few hours later, we were all sitting in me and El's apartment when Zayn walked in. Yeah, I guess I forgot to lock the door. "Zayn!!" We all chorused. He had left the tour temporarily because of stress, and I had gone to see him a couple times with Eleanor. "Girls, there is something the boys and I need to tell you. I'm-I'm permanently leaving the band." he said. I looked at all the girls, and saw that they had similar expressions to mine. "But-but why?" Danielle asked. " I just, I'm not cut out for the fame. I'd rather be a regular 22 year old. I hope you're not upset." "Zayn, we could never be upset. We just want you to be happy." I said. " Thanks so much guys for your support." He replied.

For the next hour or so, we just talked about life and ya know, played truth or dare. "Okay, Harry" said Liam, "truth or dare?" "DARE" "OKAY. I dare you to..... Read part of a dirty fanfic about yourself. " Harry pulled out his phone and opened Wattpad, which I'm not sure why he had. After a few minutes of complete silence, Harry's eyes widened and he screamed and threw his phone across the room. We all burst out laughing as harry tried to stop hyperventilating. "WHY WOULD ANYONE WANT TO READ THAT!!!! AND HOW DID THEY FIND OUT MY SECRET!!" He yelled. " Hazza, what secret?" Louis said. Harry blushed deeply. " Nothing. Okay, Perrie, truth or-"" wait!!" Harry was cut off by me screaming. "I met this girl at the train station. I'm gonna invite her over!" I said. I met this girl named Alyson at the train station and we instantly became best friends (I don't know how to add a cast but Alyson is played by Candice Accola) I called her up and she answered on the first ring. " Hey katers, what's up?" She said. " I'm having a get together with my friends. Wanna come over? Unless you're busy." I said. " I don't know, I'm in the middle of learning how to play the harmonica, but I guess I could make time." she replied. " Okay" I said while laughing. " See ya then" I told her my address and 10 minutes later, she barged through the door. " KATIE!! THIS BETTER BE YOUR PLACE OR THIS IS GONNA BE REALLY AWKWARD." She yelled. It looked like she was about to say something else but she froze when she saw, well, One Direction. " WHAT THE EVEN HECK!! You never told me you were friends with them!" She said. " Surprise" I said. " Guys, this is Alyson, Alyson this is Everyone. "

After a few hellos, we were all seated in a circle on the ground, listening to Alyson attempt the harmonica. "Taa-daa!" She said. "It's better than me." said Harry.

Soon, we continued our truth or dare. " Niall" said Perrie, " I dare you to tell Katie your news" she said. " What news?" I asked, slightly worried. "Katie, I know we are young, and we have only known each other for a year, but I am desperately in love with you. So will you do do me the honor of becoming Katie Horan, and will you marry me?" He pulled out the most beautiful ring. My eyes were now filled with tears, and my breath shaky, but I was able to say.." Yes." he slid the ring on my finger and then kissed me. After our little moment, I looked around the room at the scene. All the girls were crying, and so was louis. The rest of the boys were smiling so wide. I couldn't believe it. I was marrying the love of my life, and becoming part of this huge family. It was a tough road, but boy,i made some amazing friends.

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