" Im Just A Cancer Perk"

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Katie P.O.V
I woke up on the couch of the boys flat, my head pounding. "What happened?" I said. "When we got to the restaurant, there were tons of paps, and the flashing must've been sensitive to you, and you fainted." replied Liam. "I am so sorry I ruined the night." " You didn't ruin the night Katie, don't worry." said Louis. " Thanks guys, I'm gonna take a shower if you don't make mind."
When I went upstairs, I saw Niall waiting in my room. "Hey Niall-"I like you, a lot. I was wondering if maybe you a, wanted to, go on a date with me?" Said Niall. " Niall I..." I said. I felt tears prickling my eyes. " No, you shouldn't, I like you too but, I'm just gonna leave and I shouldn't be here in the first place. You deserve someone better. Someone you can have forever. I am just a, cancer perk of my sister!" I say sobbing. He walks over and pulls me into a hug. "Shhhh. You are not a cancer perk Katie. There is no one out there that I deserve better than you. You are amazing, sweet, and beautiful all in one. I know you are gonna leave soon but, maybe if we really like each, we could work something out. So.....what do you say?"
" Yes. Yes, sure. When?" I say
"Tomorrow at 6:00. Dress nice, but not too nice. " He says

Tomorrow was my 5th day here, only two days left. I didn't want to leave. I felt better here. I think the guys really cared about me. I feel like going back home will make old memories flush back in. I was talking to Liam today about moving to London. I always wanted to. I was going to go last year, but then my sisters health got worse. I feel like it would be a good time to move out of boring old New York.
Right now me and Liam were sharing our life's with each other. I know that sounds weird but, these guys didn't really know much about me. "Okay, so, tell me all about. From the beginning. Even if I already know. " Said Liam
" Well, my full name is Katie Anne Henderson. I am 19. My hobbies include painting, dancing, being with family and friends, and writing. I lived in New York my whole life, a quiet town but, I liked it. My biggest dream was to move to London with my sister but, maybe I can still fulfill half of that. My best friends name was Emily. We did everything together. She moved to Alaska. It seems like all my best friends are leaving me. I'm sorry. I'm such a debby downer. But anyway, that's all about me. Sorry to leave ya hanging Li but, I have a date the get ready for."
" A date? With who?" Asks Liam
" Niall, I have a date with Niall. "

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