This may be harder than we thought

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I woke up with the sun shining in my face. I got up and put on my Adidas pants and Marvel crew neck. I walked downstairs to see who was up. Only Louis was down here so I figured everyone else was asleep. "Morning, love" said Louis. " Hi Lou, how are you?" " I'm great!" He said as he gave me a tight hug.
"So what's in the agenda for today?" I asked
"Well now that you asked, we are gonna go sightseeing, then lunch at Nandos, and finally a interview." " sounds great but, interview?" I said. "Yeah sorry, we have one last interview before we get the week off." said Louis. I told him that that was fine and went upstairs. As I got to the top of the steps, Niall was coming down. " Good morning Katie! " he cheered. "Hi Niall" I said. Just after I tripped over the step and Niall caught me by the waist. "Whoa, be careful there. Don't need you breakin' anything." he said in that accent I love. " ha, ya eh, I'm gonna go shower now."
After everybody got up and dressed, we decided to get going. I was wearing dark jeans with a white cami and black cardigan. "Wow, I had no idea London was so pretty! Thanks again for showing me around. I had a lot of fun." I thanked the boys. Next we went to Nandos and I had THE BEST Peri Peri chicken in the world! Seriously! I tried to get the boys to let me pay for my food, but that got me where I was now. Being held down by Niall outside the restaurant. "Niall stop, let me go! Niall!!" I screamed. "Shhhh! Your gonna get us noticed!" What?
"NIALL HORAN" screamed some fans. "Run!" Niall told me. He helped me up and grabbed my hand. We raced down a alley way and tried to escape. Sadly, thunder roared above. I hate thunder. " Ah! Niall!" I said slowing down. He grabbed me and put me on his back as he ran. By now we were soaked with rain. When we got on to a another street, the coast looked clear. Niall put me down and started laughing. I laughed too. The street was dead since everyone was mostly inside. "May I have this dance?" He asked making me laugh. "Of course!" We started waltzing and then suddenly, my phone rang. It was Zayn. "Hey Zayn. Yeah some fans swarmed us. We're on.....Crawford street. Okay see you soon, bye"
I told Niall that they were still at Nandos and that we should go back.

---------------later that night------------------

Later that night, we all went back to the flat and we're just chilling. " Do you have a Twitter Katie?" Asked Harry. " Um, yeah. Its @Katie_Henderson." I said. Soon after I saw that I had 5 new followers. All the boys. I also got many people asking how I got then to follow me. Here we go.
The rest of the night was chill for me. The boys were still at their interview and I was now falling asleep on the couch. I knew I should go up to bed, but I was so tired. I knew the boys would just leave me here and I was okay with that. Before I knew it, I was in a deep sleep.

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