Welcome Home

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As soon as I got off the plane, I saw my mom and dad standing by a café. I ran over and hugged them both really tight. " Oh sweetie we missed you so much! How was the trip?" My mom said. " The trip was amazing and I missed you too!"
We drove home and when we got home I couldn't be happier. I missed the boys but it felt great to be home. I feel like I am saying home a lot. I went upstairs to start to unpack when my mom walked in. " So.... tell me all about the boys!" So I told her about what we did, all of their personalities, and lastly, Niall. She was a bit surprised but I think she was too happy at me being home to really notice anything.
After I unpacked, I decided to go down to the cemetery to see my sister. I walked to her heart shaped grave and said, " hi April, it's Katie. You would not believe the fun I had with One Direction! Thank you for giving me your wish. I miss you so much. I love you." Right now, I wish I had Niall with me. He was always comforting and understood. I didn't want to leave my sister, but I knew this town isn't for me. I belong in London, maybe with the boys.
Once I calmed down after my trip to see my sister, I knew what i had to tell my parents. "Mom,dad, can we talk?"
"Sure hon, what's up" said my mom
"Well, you know how my dream was to move to London with April? I was thinking maybe...doing .....that?"
"What?!? Honey, I know we can't control what you do now but, are you sure that's what you want? We don't want you making any mistakes" my dad replied. " Dad. I want this really. I've been in this town for too long. I know a good college. I've saved enough money to buy a ticket and find an apartment. I'm gonna do this. "
" Sweetie, we love you so much. I think it's a great idea. Your sister would want you to go."
" Thank you mommy! I love you so much!" The first thing I did after that was call Niall. It went to voicemail, so I left a message. " Hey Niall, guess what? IM MOVING TO LONDON!!!! I talked with my parents and they loved the idea. Call me back so we can talk. Bye!"
After the call, I took a shower and crawled into bed. As I was about to fall asleep, my phone rang. " Hello?" " Hey babe, I got your message, that's so great!" Said Niall. " I know, we'll get to see each other again. I just have to find an apartment." "Speaking of that, I talked to Louis and he talked to Eleanor, his girlfriend, and he said she needed a roommate in her apartment. It's walking distance away from Manchester University if you wanted to attend college here!" Said an excited Niall. " That great! Could you send me her number?" I said. " Of course,love. Listen I got to go. I'll talk to you soon."
This was turning out to be great. I had a roommate, a possible college, and the boys. Things are finally starting to turn around!

(A/N) hey guys! I told you it wasn't over! Please vote and keep reading! We're still and 45. Also I am not sure if the whole Eleanor thing is happening in real life, it's probably not. Katie just needed a friend to live with that knew the boys. Thanks for all the reads and support. I love you all. Bye😘

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