Katanor ( Katie+Eleanor) part 10

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I was almost done packing. I should probably be done since I'm leaving in 6 hours. Whoops.
Today I was moving to London! I had talked to Eleanor a lot and she seemed really nice! I think we're gonna be great friends. I had packed up all my clothes and toiletries, and also a lot of stupid stuff I couldn't live without. I couldn't be more excited to see Niall again. We had talked a lot and I think our relationship is really growing.
It was later in the day and I was looking at my empty room. I was definitely gonna miss this place. " Honey, it's time to go." My mom yelled. "K!"
" Katie, there's something else we need to give you." she pulled out a jar full of money. " It's your sisters London money. She'd want you to have it."
" Thank you mom. I'll miss you so much" My parents couldn't get the day off work, so I was taking a cab. I took the money out of the jar and put all of it except $30 into my wallet.
"Thank you" I say as I get my bags out of the trunk of the cab. I pulled my brown leather jacket closer to my skin when the wind picked up.
I made my way in the airport and to security. Once I was done with that monstrosity, I found gate 11. I pulled out my phone and made sure it was the right day. That may sound weird but I have gone to the airport on the wrong day. December 12th. Good. I pulled out my laptop to get comfy before the flight. I called Eleanor and told her I was at the airport.
I was walking into the plane and looking for my seat. Once I found it, I sat down and waited until we were in the air. Then, I pulled out my laptop and watched a movie. I watched The Internship. I laughed so hard at one point that I got dirty looks from the people next to me.
"Okay folks, it's currently 9:32 pm. I hope you enjoyed your flight and make sure to join us again" the pilots voice said. I grabbed my carry-on and went to baggage claim. Once I got my 2 HUGE bags, I walked towards the exits. There I found the one and only Eleanor Calder. " Katie!" She yelled running up to me. "El!" I said back. We hugged for a bit and then we got in her car to go to her apartment. " I'm so glad you're here. I think we're gonna be great friends!" Said Eleanor. " Me too! Hey, do you know when the boys get back?" I asked as we walked into her apartment. "Speaking of that..." she said. "SURPRISE!!"

(A/N) hey guys! Sorry it's out late, i had serious writers block and I was really busy! Anyway keep voting and commenting ideas. Bye😘

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