Crying in front of One Direction

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Today is the day I meet one direction. I was going to meet them at the airport in London. Yes, the wish came with round trip tickets to London. It's not like I will be missing any school or anything. I'm 19 years old. I am not in college because I took a year off to help my sister.
I was wearing mint green skinny jeans, a brown and white tank with a cream blazer. Also brown heels and a necklace. I thought I looked nice, and I hoped the boys think it's okay.
As I got on the plane, my phone rang. "Hi mom. Yes I'm on the plane. Yes. sure. Love you too, bye."

---------------after the plane ride---------------
I got off the plane after what felt like forever, and made my way to baggage claim area. The people said that 1D would be by the exits. After I got my bag, I found the exits, where 5 boys in sunglasses and hoods were holding a sign that read " Katie Henderson". I raced over and stood in front of them. When they didn't do anything, I took out my ID and showed them. As soon as they saw it I was engulfed in a huge hug. "Katie!" "How are you?" " How was the flight?" Were some of the things I heard. I said hi and gave them individual hugs and then they lead me outside to a huge limo. once we started moving, they took of their disguises. " Hi Katie, I'm Liam and this is Harry, Zayn, Louis and Niall. We are so glad you could make it. Before we get started we all would just like to say,we are so sorry about your sister. It must be so hard to let go. We are all here for you if you need anything ever, even after this week." Oh no. I had tried to stay away from any mention of her. It always made me cry. Which is exactly what I was doing. Before I knew it I was engulfed in a huge hug by all the boys. " Shhhh. it's okay,i know, we're sorry for bringing it up." I recognized that voice as Nialls. " I'm sorry guys. Just a little sensitive is all. Now, tell me what the plan is for the week." I said. " Well, we were thinking of doing some sightseeing, maybe some shopping and just hanging out." said Harry. " Cool!"
Once we made it to the boys flat, which was huge, they showed me the guest room where I'd be sleeping. They gave me time to unpack, so I took this time to call my mom.
After that, it was about 9:00, so I took a shower and then we all decided to watch a movie. We watched The Vow, and by the end we were all in tears. By then it was 11, and even though it was early, I was tired from my flight. So I went to bed and as soon as my head hit the pillow, I was out. I fell asleep with thoughts about what would happen this week.

(A/N) sorry the chapters are so short! This is my first story and I hope you like it. Please comment any ideas and vote! Luv ya😘

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