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"We broke up," pause, he bit his lower lips harshly. "yeah we did." The Chinese shrug his shoulder and walk past to an astonished Mark. Eyeing him from up and down.

The older is too shocked that making him spill his drink from his mouth. Watering all over his neck to his chest. The Canada is too stunned to speak one may say. Because he knows that Renjun's love story is the most sweetest thing he ever heard.

Who would have thought that the love story could ended in just 5 years. Quite long but still. Mark put down his cup and chase after the younger brother to make him spill out over what happened at the party. He stop Renjun from closing his door.

"Wait!" He exclaim.

Groaning, Renjun turn around with unamused face. "What again?"

"How?" the older ask with his short circuit brain trying to produce words.

"Things just happened Mark. What do you want me to do?" Renjun fist a handful of his hair and tug it harsh.

"But it not that easy. And that's hyung for you."

He rolled his eyes. Renjun push Mark lightly. Just enough for him not to be an obstacle for him to close his door and get himself some peace. Softly taking the older's hands to his. Face drop so low making the older's heart ache. "But it still happened. No one can avoid it. It just happened. You fall out of love. Meet new people. And boom, yada yada, we break up." He said one last time before shutting the door completely.

Truth to be told, it's has been the third relationship that Renjun has entered, and as the chinese's older brother, the Canadian is worried for the boy. It always a failed relationship and the older admit, that the younger is mentally exhausted from the constant break up from the eye bag and dark eyes.

For once Mark hoped that the young boy learn from the mistake and put himself first before others. The boy tends to ignore his own state and feelings and pay so much attention to his lovers. And Mark wished it stop.

Mark lean on the door and he put his head closer to the coldness of the wood. "Just so you know, I'll never leave you alone no matter what. Not you and your daughter."

On the other side of the door, Renjun hug his knees and slowly falling into his big desperation of air to breath. Trying to muffled his sobs by cupping his mouth and tighten it by gritting his teeth. Only God knows how much he's sad by the way his break up. This might be the worst break up ever and he wish nothing more than just forget it instantly.

"Baba," a very cute lovely voice called out to the Chinese.

Quickly, he wiped away his tears and tried his hardest to create the biggest smile ever. Though he miserably failed.

"Baba, are you okay? Why are you sitting down here?" the 5 years old girl ask her father who's face scrunched.

"I'm fine baby. Don't worry about me." He kissed the crown of the daughter's head.

"Really?" she cupped Renjun's face. The boy makes a kissing face, making the girl pull away with disgust playfully. "Then I'll sleep first. Night night."

"Night baby."

"We broke up," he smiled sheepishly at the boy in front of him. Feeling devastated but still keeping a straight face just to fake his own sadness.

"You kidding?" the orange haired boy chuckled, finding the words funny because it is. No one would imagine that the boy in front of him would break up with his lover. Because that's so impossible.

"I'm not. We did broke up. Just awhile ago. I ask this from him because I just couldn't take it anymore. Next year, Emily will start her school. And we're still too young, I've got so many things to do, to achieved. God I'm actually not ready for this shit. Jaemin I'm not. But I still love Renjun. But he- he want to keep Emily." Jeno hide his face into his palms. Feeling ashamed of himself. But is it wrong tho for choosing himself and be selfish?

Jaemin is too stunned to speak. He felt like he got smacked on the face from the sudden news. "What the fuck Lee Jeno?" he slammed his hands on the table, startling Jeno from the actions. "You did what? You left them? When they needed you the most? What the fuck did you think about Jeno? For God sake you are being so childish and stupid you fucking bastard!" he yelled so loud, Jeno hissed after getting yelled at.

"I just can't Jaemin. I can't. Not when I'm trying so hard to understand my own feelings. I can't have another burden to think about." Jeno grunted under his breath. He wish he could tell the world what he feels and make them understand, but who is he to make it happen.

"What do you mean?" Jaemin tilt his head. Not actually get what Jeno tried to say.

"I- I think I'm in love with someone else."

"You lil pie-"

"With you Jaem. With you." Jeno pleaded with his puffy eyes. Full of sorrow and guilt.

"No you didn't. You're just confused it with the old feelings. Don't say that." The younger shake his head and turn around, not wanting to face Jeno right now while holding back his tears.

But Jeno not wanting to back down, carefully slip his hands on the younger's waist. "I'm not. I know what I feel. Don't decide on what I feel for you."

"But what about Renjun?" Jaemin shut his eyes, leaning against Jeno. He regretfully let his emotions taking over him. Indeed it is the most foolish things he had done today.

"I don't know. Let the time decide for us."

-To be continued-

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