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The darkness that embrace the sky is now looking so gloomy and miserable in Renjun's eyes. He keep thinking over the past few days over what Emily just said to him. How she felt like a burden to him and Jeno.

The girl shouldn't think like that and it was wrong of him and Jeno to let the girl think so negatively over herself. Emily is his daughter and she will never be a bother, even if he found a new love. Emily will forever be his first love.

The moment the girl came out to the world, her fragile little fingers that wrap around his thumbs. How small she is, making him melt from instance. This small human being catch his eyes the moment he laid his eyes on her.

But God forbid, he couldn't give her the best life he could offer to her. Constantly suffering from lack of money for their well-being. The income he had is pretty much enough for their everyday life, nothing for extra unlike other child.

He's indeed ashamed with himself for not being able to provide enough for the girl, but she, as a matured kid she is always said that she's fine and okay with whatever they have.

He lean on the veranda, looking at the dark sky, as dark as his heart and future. How could he continue living when he's filled with embarrassment for being a failure as a father, a lover and a brother. He wanted to be the best but he couldn't.

Not when hatred filled his heart. He could bury the agony and anger in him in presence of others, but when it just himself, he's so mad with the world and fate. And now, Jeno and Jaemin is added in his list.

He folded his fingers into a fist, gripping the rail harder to contain his emotions. He curses himself for his misfortune and others who make him feel miserable.

"I swear when I see you once again, I'm gonna make you regret for leaving Emily." He stare deadly into nothing.


Snapped, he look behind him and see Jaehyun and Taeyong looking at him with concern filled in their eyes.

"We called you several times, but you didn't answer. Are you okay?" Taeyong approach him and then hug him one sided. Hand on his shoulder affectionately.

Embarrass, his face instantly color in tomatoes. He tried to smile to hide his sudden anger from the earlier emotion but failed when Jaehyun suddenly stare into his soul.

"Don't try to lie Jun. we're your brothers since forever. Remember that." Jaehyun side while sandwiching Renjun between the couple. He hugs both Renjun and Taeyong and envelope them into a group hug.

"Talk to us. Don't let it bottled you and make you frustrated alone. I'm here, Jae is too. So does your silly brother, Mark and Lucas. So please, talk to your family."

Like a magic that soothe pain heart, a crack on the walls that he has build finally open and he let out. He cried on his brothers' shoulder for the night. Letting out everything.

"Mr. Lee," called his secretary through his buzzer beside him. "A call claimed that they know you said that they want to talk to you. Should I accept it?"

Surprised, he pick up the call and throw a weird look on Jaemin and just shrug. His talk was cut off with Jaemin making him groan internally.

Jeno: Lee Jeno speaking. Who's this?

????: Oh my God Hyung! It's me!

Jeno: Who me? Sorry but if this is a prank call, I don't have time.

????: wow, you're such a cold person hyung. How can't you not remember my voice?

Jeno: Uh, just tell me who you are. Don't beat around the bush. *sigh*

????: CHENLE! I'm Chenle. Aigoo hyung. How could you forget me?

Jeno: God Chenle?! Damn your voice has gotten deeper than I can remember. How's life Lele?

Chenle: Good good. And don't think I'll let it slide hyung. I know you remember me much because I rarely call you. *groan* I'm literally your best buddies after Jaemin hyung but you could just forget about me? Wow!

Jeno: don't be such a dramatic. So tell me, why'd you suddenly call me? There must be something right?

Chenle: you really do know me. Yeah I do have news.

Jeno: I'm listening.


Jeno: what??!

Chenle: I'm getting married hyung! But of course I'll get engage first.

Jeno: with who? Jisung? He finally accept you?

Chenle: What?! No!! Hyung, have you forgotten about Sungchan? That guy who's a model? Jaehyun hyung little brother?

Jeno: Huh? Jung Sungchan?!

Chenle: Yes, Him!

Jeno: Ahh, wow Chenle. I'm- uh.. So proud of you! You've move on from Jisung and found love in someone else.

Chenle: *chuckle* nahh hyung. I just need to find my own happiness. How much more should I suffer?

"Who?" Jaemin ask, looking up slighlt from his desk as he still typing on his computer. Then quickly focusing back on typing.

"Chenle. Said that he'll get married soon." Jeno smiled proudly at his words.

"What? Jisung accept him?" The younger stop from typing than giving his attention to Jeno.

Chuckling, Jeno laid back on his seat as he look at Jaemin endearly. "Wow, I'm hurt. You look away from your work just because of Chenle and Jisung. But not over me?"

"Silly. Of course I'll give my attention to both of my sons. So, Chenle with Jisung? Thought Jisung will be stubborn till the end." He rolled his eyes.

"Fine. It's not Jisung. But apparently Sungchan, who coincidently Jaehyun hyung's little brother. And you know who Jaehyun hyung is, right?" Jeno glance at Jaemin who focusing on him.

He hummed a soft voice and nodded with glitter in his eyes. "I know. Maybe we can meet him there."

"I hope we can."

_To Be Continued_

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