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Renjun is moping the café as he looks out the window. The warm wind of summer rushed in when Renjun open the café door. The slight shivering felt down to his pine. Wow, it so hots nowadays, huh? He thought to himself. All he could ever do is just keep on opening his café to let his long awaiting customers in since Jaemin volunteered to take care of Emily while him and Jeno goes to their respective work. Perk at being a freelancer photographer. Well, that's sound so domestic, except, they aren't even that level. Barely talking unless it's about Emily.

He smiled at the passerby, either dogs or people, anyone who pass him will greet him with face full of smile.

"Hello Renjun" "Good Morning Renjun" "It's a nice day, right?" "We missed you Renjun" any type of morning greeting greet him. Yeahh, this day is full of happiness. It is a summer where people are having fun in the beach or pools with family or loved ones. 'I wish I have someone like that.' Renjun goes back to his café.

After moping the entire café, he sat down at the counter. His eyes locked on the street nearby, thinking of a lot of things. How he should spend his lonely summer without Emily as she's still in hospital. He missed her deeply.

Klingg dingg..

He looks up at the door, watching the figure getting close to him and he stand from his chair. Getting ready to get an order.

"Hi! Welcome to Mily's Café. What's your order?" he said without looking the face of the customer.

After seems like 5 minutes passed. Renjun getting impatient and he look the face of his customer. "Sir, may I get your order?" he said, a bit louder to grab the customer's attention.

As if being snap, the man blink rapidly. Trying to collect his composure that lost in the middle of nowhere. "Yeah sorry." He smiled sheepishly. "Can I get an Iced Americano and....." he falls to silent again. "Do you have any recommendation for my boyfriend. He is someone sweet and warm. Very capable. But we're still new in this whole relationship thing." He smiled remembering his other half.

Like a pang struck his heart, he felt jealous all of sudden. But Renjun shooed away the jealousy and give his customer service smile.

"Then I would recommend our new Iced Peach oolong tea with flavored jelly. It's good to drink in this summer. Our newest recipe fresh from oven." The Chinese smile brightly. Trying to get the order fast to avoid more humanely contact.

"That's sounds great. Give me one of that. Both on large cup." The man beaming.

"Your name sir," he get a marker pen to write on the cup.

"Yuta, and the other one, you can put as,Yuta's." he said cheesily and gave his card to the younger. Making the Chinese cringe.

Again, he smiled fakely at Yuta. He put the totals in and swipe the card. "I'll call you once your order is ready. Please wait for awhile." He earned a nod from the man called Yuta and gave the card back.

As he preparing for the drinks, Jisung make the other one, Yuta stare at Renjun silently. As if he tried to recall something but failed since his memories couldn't recalled anything.

Jisung kick Renjun's shin making the older yelp in pain. He swift his head at the younger, almost cursing. Jisung just shoot an apology face.

"What?!" Renjun ask angrily.

"The man,"

"Which man?"

"The one that we're making order for,"

"What's wrong with him?" Renjun raised his brows. Feeling that Jisung is being nonsense,

"He stares at you for a whole time. It's getting creepy." Jisung grimace.

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