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"Baba still not coming back?" Emily ask between cough. she look at Jaemin with her hooded eyes, hoping that maybe the older have a good news for her. but all she get is Jaemin smiling apologetically to her. he shook his head and cares her cheeks.

"I'm sorry angel, your baba still not coming back. but i'm sure he will soon. baba won't leave you that long angel." he said while continue peeling an apple.

Well, it has been 6 whole months since Renjun has gone. Jeno keep constantly searching for him by contacting people he knows in China, especially in Jillin, Renjun's birth place. But still, he couldn't grasp the older's whereabout.

They are worried dead about him, since he is gone in the blink of an eye. Curious? Of course they are. Sad? That's inevitable. Since Renjun is an important person in each of their life. A loving father to Emily, a best friend to Jaemin, and selfless boyfriend to Jeno in which, both are actually in the past, before Jeno decide to be true to his feelings.

Grimace, Emily look outside of the windows, watching how orangey the sky is, falling to evening after a hot weather for the entire day. It is summer, of course it'll be hot. Not that it actually affecting the people in the ward actually since they are sheltered with the air conditioner.

"Baba really loves sunset. He said it's a reminder that everything will end beautifully. Though it won't happen so suddenly, but he said, one day, it will." Emily smiled weakly. Trying to ignore the pain in her chest.

Jaemin stop from peeling the apple, and place the slices apple in front of Emily. He smiled and went to hug the fragile body. "And he absolutely right. Everything will end beautifully just like the sunset."

"I miss him," the girl finally break down into tears, smearing her pale cheeks. "I miss baba so much. Do- does he not love me? Am i-"

"Shhhh. You are not angel. He didn't hate you one bit. But instead, he loves you deeply. You are his lives, his everything." Jaemin hug the girl tightly.

"then why did he leaves?" she asked meakly.

The older man silently wish he had an answer to this sweet little angel. But he have none. He too wish he know why Renjun suddenly leave them in this critical moment. He wish he could stop Renjun from leaving.

But everything, is too late now. Renjun is gone and no one know where he is.

After months of searching for a way to cure Emily from her sickness, they finally reach to a conclusion that only with transplant is the best solution. So Renjun has been working hard on searching every places in China that can give his daughter the best treatment for transplant. Countless of places they visited just to give the best for Emily.

But it's hard when her citizenship is not Chinese, but a South Korean citizen. So the hospital in China refused to prioritize her even with Sicheng's persistence. They felt hopeless as they search for a better place.

Renjun look at his grandma who is watering her plants, her back a bit bend as she is getting old and not strong to withstand her weight. He smile while zoning out.

"Has everything been good? Did you found what you've been searching for?" the old woman ask while continue tending her flowers.

He snapped back to reality and coughing a little as his throat feels dry. "We did. Me and Sicheng ge find the thing that we want. But-" he stop before thinking the rationality of telling the truth to his grandma without hurting her even more.

"Glad to hear that. And? Continue what you were saying dear." She said softly while still not looking at Renjun.

Contemplating, he stayed silent for a second before continuing. "The thing is. It isn't the best solution for the one that we tried to search. The outcome is scary. Plus, there'll be people who won't agree with that thing." He sighed, shoulder drop and feel dejected.

But the grandma chuckled. She bend down a little and sniffling on a flower that she's tended. "Little Ren Ren. There's nothing easy and free pass in this world. Everything will look scary to all of us. But it'll lessen the fear by having people that we can trust wholeheartedly. By having them to depend on. And yes you can depend on them, but not too much as they also have their own life, my dear."

She stop as she take a look at Renjun who earnestly looking at her. Urging her to continue. The old woman softly smile. "Little Ren, human are a weak creature. We will always breakdown and scared of the future, of the uncertainty. And we go through life with fears when we can just be happy with the present. Not the past nor the future." She walk closer to him. Embracing the grandson she wish all the best thing in the world.

"But I will always be with you in every step you'll take. No matter where I am my dear. It's okay to be scared, but I'm here. So does your mom and grandpa. I'll hold your hand to get through those scary things. I will always be here." She pats the younger man's back while listening to his soft sniffling as he cried hearing his grandma's words.

Renjun hug her tightly as if his life depending on the grandma. Nuzzling his face on the old woman's stomach.

"Grandma, I'm scared." He wailed while being shushed by his grandma.

"It's okay my dear boy. It's okay."

-To be continued-

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