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Maybe, just maybe a piece of Jaemin always wanted this to happened. To have his best friend all by himself and get back to him like the old times. Where only the two of them exist in their own pretty little world. Maybe Jaemin just want to let Jeno knows, he indeed has fallen in love deeply with his best friend. And the mistake that happened 3 years ago wasn't actually a mistake. It's just Jaemin being petty.

But who is he to deny the connections that lingered around between Jeno and Renjun when they first met in the cafeteria. It's like they are meant to be with each other. Like how the universe is playing a cupid for them, but unfair to Jaemin.

He already knows that it will turn out that they'll eventually had an accident along the way. By the age of 17, Renjun and Jeno accidently created a lil family that both of them not ready yet. It just happened and nobody can stop that.

And so he keep on bottling his feelings inside and keep it to himself for the rest of the years.

But do he knows it will go south? Definitely not.

Indeed Jeno and Renjun fought so many times about their baby, but not to the extent of breaking up. Not when they swear their oath in front of Jaemin to never fall apart and always be with each other. Not that easy.

He feels guilty to Renjun, for robbing away his chances of being happy with Jeno. Taking away his happiness that shine through his eyes. But he deserves the happiness too. Until when he should back down and watching on the side lines?

He'll make it up to Renjun someday. But let him be happy for once in his lifetime.

So there he is, sitting in front of Renjun, fidgeting on his seat while looking everywhere except Renjun. Wanting to confront his other best friend who he feels guilty of.

"I know. It's meant to be like this. Don't be sorry for me. It just things happened and the world just being cruel to us." Renjun cupped Jaemin's hand and soothing it softly. "Just be happy. I want you to." He smiled so peacefully like an angel.

For the first time, Jaemin feels like want to throw himself at Renjun and keep saying his apologies. And so he did.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for being selfish. Forgive me Renjun." He cried in the older's arm loudly.

Renjun chuckled. He cares the boy's head and humming. "I know, and I forgive you."

"You know what?" Renjun continued with a muffled sound against his palm as he covered his sobs. "I always know that I'm not the one for Jeno. For years I saw how the two of you look at each other. And for years I've been preparing myself to let him go just in case he man up and go to you. Well, it took him our dau- my daughter for him to let me go finally." He snickered. "I'm not mad Jaemin. I can never be mad at you when you are the one is there to comfort me from pain after every fight of ours. You're like our back bones. But only now, I can just watch you guys grow on the sidelines."

The Chinese cupped the korean's cheeks and make him look at his directions. "Please be happy. At least for me. Be more happier than me and prove it to me that you are far more great than me, the Huang Renjun."

"You know I can't do that." Jaemin frowning, tears streaming down his face.

"I know you do. Oh Jaemin, I've known you for years and you expect me not to know? How foolish can you be?" the older laughed out loud. Making all the customers who had been staring more baffled at the scene.

"I can't. we're not the same person."

"And that's why you'll be so good sweetheart, don't you worry your pretty little head."

And so Jaemin cried harder in Renjun's arm while muffling his sorries.

"Guess I'm just not the one for you huh?" Renjun sillily laughing at his idiocy for falling for Jeno. The one who he knew he can't have wholeheartedly. Because there's never been an 'us' in them. That thing only reserved for Jeno and Jaemin. The most impossibly challenged duo.

He held his head up, hanging it so high not wanting any tears falling from his eyes. Not for some man who he accidently had a kid with. He will never be that weak guy. Not for him, not for anyone.

So he sat in the bar, staring at nothing, wallowing in his sad remedy. Thinking if he should just consider to quit his studies and just work on any job that he can afford with his qualification or continue and be a burden to Mark.

He twirled the alcohol glass and sighed. How much more should he suffer? He lost everything the moment he selfishly having his daughter with Jeno. Yes, he is that petty for knowing that Jeno is actually in love with Jaemin but pretended to love Renjun instead.

Renjun smoked away the pain he's been holding since day one. Not having the love he's been craving since childhood, projecting it all on Jeno and Emily, thinking he'll create a perfect family with them.

Until when should he continue this beautiful nightmare knowing how he can't ever get Jeno's love? He's stuck until finally he lost the string he's been keep holding on. Jeno left him for good. Hate it or not, Jeno will eventually leave him and their daughter, and find his own true love.

But Renjun wasn't that shameful, to crave back Jeno's love which the man throw away for Jaemin. He should've never let Jeno in to his soul, now he's damage for good. So as a father of his own daughter, he man up and want to leave the love of his life forever.

"I think that's enough." A man took away his drink.

He look at the man grumpily as his drink wasn't in his grasp. Pouting he tried to squint his bad eyes to the man which he couldn't recognizes under the dazzling lights of the bar.

"Who *hiccup* the fuck are you? *hiccup*" he said.

"You could say, your knight in shining armor?" the man chuckled.

Not having it, Renjun wave his hands away to chase the man out from his sight but to no avail. The man just staring at the Chinese amusedly.

Groaning, Renjun tried to stand still. He look sharply at the man. "What do you want?"

"You." He stated the obvious.

_To be continued_

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