chapter two: new me.

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"i do not need them" y/n was beyond pissed at this point, she could feel a headache setting in and speaking with her father was not going to end in anything other than a migraine.

"you don't have a say"

"i do. anything that happens has my fucking say," it was a slight throb now, harboring her mind, blinding her vision. fuck. why was it that only three hours into being back she was already feeling her hands twitch with the need to-.

"they answer to me. whether you let them deceive you or not is your problem. but i'm telling you now that they are to guard you which means you'll interact with them, which also means your living accommodations are joint."

there it was again that helplessness, the feeling of lost control- caging.

"your kidding right. anyone else can 'guard me' i wouldn't care but them-"

"are you afraid? is that it? maybe you really are naive. afraid that you'll run back to them."

"no i-"

"shut it and listen y/n. you keep acquaintances close and enemies closer. it does not matter if they are working for you or not. they deceived you once-"

"on your command-"

"my order was to protect you. nothing more. they got attached and lead it so far it turned into deceit."

y/n tried, she tried so fucking hard that the pulse had now turned to a rhythmic throb in her skull. keeping her calm though, for she was not about to present the overwhelming rage that was ready to seep from her.

"okay. all necessary arrangements will be made," with that said y/n turned to leave, wanting- needing- to do something about the pounding, the twitch in her fingers. before exiting though she turned to her father flashing him a wicked smirk, "have a great day."


"Jaemin," Hamin hissed, "we already agreed on keeping this professional. why are you trying to change that?"

"i-i thought i could do it, but i saw her and i wanted to justify what we did. why we did it."

"Jae, stop trying, you'll get hurt. she has all right to feel how she does. we could have said something, but we made our own fear of losing her over power our judgement and in the end we lost her anyway." Seongmin spoke with such nonchalance, even though she among the three girls had beaten herself up more.

"Even if that is the case, this is or job. our work. we can't let personal matters get mixed with priorities." being the most down to earth person in most situations Hamin always was ready to put you back on track whether you asked for her help or not.

"we are here to do what were assigned to in the beginning of this mess. protect Gim Y/N and nothing more. personal matters, opinions or anything not relating to work should be kept to ourselves." Hamin nodded in agreement to Seongmin's words, they then both looked towards the youngest awaiting confirmation.


after slight reluctance she gave in, "sure"

i want back what we were. what we had. if Hamin and Seongmin won't try, then i'll  just have to for the three of us.


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