chapter fifteen: rebuild an impenetrable fortress

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all the plans you had for the day went down the drain the minute your father entered your office.

"why have you taken the Kims as allies?"

you could here plainly the venom- disgust- he put behind Kim. couldn't help but let your eyes roll as you took in his fuming form.

"because, i'm boss and saw fit for change," you have yet to tell your father of the NCT fiasco, frankly you didn't plan too.

"or it's because you're still a prepubescent little girl seeking attention!"

your nose flared, "don't you fucking dare!"

"or what? i can say what ever the fuck i want, you whore!"

you couldn't help but scoff, "you want to call me a whore? i think you should be addressing your wife! when you confront that problem then you can talk to me about whor-"

a sharp slap rang throughout the room, your head jerked to the side from the force.

he hit you, that son-of-a-bitch hit you.

gasps filled the room, it was only then you and your father remembered the Min Squad were in the room still.

you saw absolute red and before anyone could comprehend you grabbed the knife you always had attached to your thigh and lunged at your father, delivering blow after blow to his abdomen.

he screamed.

"you can degrade an ridicule me all you want but never lay a finger on me! i'm no longer your puppet, neither your men nor your inferior!"

you watched entranced as blood flowed from your 'father', as it stained the rug in your office, as he panted and cursed you under his breath.


"yes, boss," there was slight quiver in her voice-you hated it.

"call paramedics and get someone up here to clean up this mess."

as much as him dead was appealing he hadn't pushed you to that- yet.

you grabbed your phone and coat before making to leave.

"you're gonna run my company, my empire to the ground!"

you let out a strained breath, "of course, i'll take this shit hole to the ground, get rid of all the pest and rebuild an impenetrable fortress, filled with my soldiers."

your 'father' was reduced to faint grunts.

"let's go girls, we had plans i believe."

just like that your out the office door, down the hall, descending the elevator and leaving the building.


"is she really coming?"

"last time we did get stood up," Yoongi stated matter-of-factly.

"she'll come, be calm."

"she's 20 minutes late."

"she's also the boss of a mafia, shit happens," came Namjoon's exasperated voice.

not even 5 minutes later came your voice, "sorry i'm late, i had to deal with some unforeseen circumstances."

all the guys looked up, they hadn't seen her since the Convergence- well excluding Namjoon.

"it's no problem, we know shit happens," Namjoon gave the guys a pointed look.

you hummed, "nice too see your fully healed Hoseok."

said man simply tipped his head in acknowledgement.

"Namjoon told us you have information to share pertaining to NCT," Jin said.

"yeah, as we all know, they want to get rid of me because they want to be the top mafia. i found out they had someone inside that was feeding them information. how much they are aware of i'm not sure but mostly everything is being changed and upgraded since i took over," you explained.

"if they know internal information shouldn't you be worried?"

"the rat didn't know much, because as i stated before since i'm taking over i've been upgrading and changing systems. as for NCT, they handle a technology based company and are the owners of Neo City"

"wait Neo City? as in the club in the outskirts of Seoul?" Jungkook asked.

"yes and i believe that is the most opportune place to start, nothing to big, just scouting and intel."

"like surveying the scene before making a move," Jimin spoke.

"what about members?"

"Neo City is in the hands of Kim Jung Woo, Nakamato Yuta, Xiao Dejun- Xiaojun, Huang Ren Jun, but the two in charge are Jung Woo and Ren Jun. the other two deal with the drugs and surveillance. i also trust Namjoon has told you all the name of their leader."

everyone gave a slight nod.

"how do we infiltrate Neo City though, it'd be more than logical to assume they are all aware of what we look like," Taehyung voiced his concern.

"that's true but we'll only need to be there once," Seongmin said.

"what Seongmin means, basically is we can tap into their security system and monitor everything that goes on," Hamin explained.

"that's a good plan, but you still didn't answer who'd be doing this."

"let's just say i have a fresh face, who's really talented," you said.

you kept it at that though, wondering if Namjoon knew you meant his cousin.


"was it really you?"


"was it really you in the alley?"

"i wouldn't lie about something like that Mr. Jeon"

Jungkook's ears burned red, "i didn't mean it like that. it's just um, what's your training regime?"

"you want to know how i train?"


Seongmin chuckled, "sure muscle boy, i wouldn't mind giving you some pointers."



thank you to everyone reading and voting, it means alot.

also sorry for my absence i'm trying to focus on my studies. i'm be back though to finish this.

for my lord @adrixpotato


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