chapter sixteen: love

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"why does it seem impossible to get to know you"

"and by that you mean?"

"answering my question with a question isn't going to get us anywhere, you know?"

"well, if i don't know what you mean, how can I give you an answer?"

Taehyung rolled his eyes, "touché, i was saying i want to get you know you better."

"how is that in any way related to the current mission?"

"it isn't, i simply wish to have a chance to know more about you than just your name and relation with Namjoon." Taehyung sighed, "that is if you'd allow me the pleasure."

"sure, i'd like that pretty boy," Do-A replied.


"your father will be fine."

you hummed.

"luckily, the knife didn't rupture his organs badly, there was only torn tissue and internal bleeding, which we have managed to stop."

you sighed.

"he'll be bed ridden for a few weeks, if he experiences any sharp pains, you should contact me. other than that, he should be back up and about in no time."

"great news."

"he should also be monitored 24/7 and be given assistance so he is put under as little strain as possible."

"i'll find the best caregiver money can buy then- "

"it'd be better if he was surrounded by family, that way he can recover swiftly with knowledge that his loved ones have his best interest at heart."

you couldn't help but snicker at the remark, i have everything but his best interest at heart.

the snickered morphed into pure, unadulterated laughter and amusement, "Dr. Chan, you know damn well the line of work our 'family' does and i'm pretty sure you also know my 'mother' doesn't give two-fucks about my 'father's' health. Quite honestly, i don't care either."

"oh, i-i'm sorry, i didn't mean- "

"it doesn't matter."

"yes, of course. do you know who did this?"

"i do, yes."

"um, c-could you- I need to put it in my re- "

"I did it."

you watched as Dr. Chan's face contorted with disbelief and fear. you walked out of the room and left the hospital.


you were having dinner with Namjoon again tonight, nothing too special- at least that's what you fought to believe.

you were conflicted though- this being the third time this week alone, that you've met.

you tried to keep your head level around him, but when he started talking about his dog and the carbs he'd find on the beach, when he said he found solace in bike rides and nature walks, you cracked, you let yourself go and let Kim Namjoon take you on a rollercoaster.

you let him hurl your already fractured heart to every place he's been and back, and without sufficient protection you bared every jab, every blow.

it scared you how easy it was to fall for him all over again.

done with dinner, you both sat on a park bench enjoying any form of silence and peace you could get.

'maybe we can go together,'  filtered through your heavy thoughts.  you raised your head, puzzlement splayed on your face.

Namjoon chuckled, "i was saying it'd be nice to check out the gallery with you, love. there's a special exhibit this weekend that I'm sure you'd like."

he flashed his dimpled smile at you again, his eyes disappearing.

you felt something break inside if you.



"why do you want to do this to me? why do you still try? why are you wasting your time, when you know how I feel?"

you watched as his smile slowly faded, as his eyes became dull and it hurt to know you were the cause.

"Y/N," he spoke softly, voice barely above a whisper. he seemed sullen, "I know what I did was distasteful and I know the note we left of on was disastrous but I love you, and no matter the consequence or repercussion I'm not going to hold back."

you felt the tears gather behind your eyes, but you'd be damned if you let them fall, "Namjoon, don't do this."

the protest was weaker than you'd have liked it to be.

"Y/N, I wanted to tell you, I was going to tell you but I kept pushing it back and eventually hurt you, even though it was the last thing I wanted to happen."

you heard the hurt, the pain in his voice, but you berated yourself for feeling sympathetic,  such feelings weren't allowed.

as if he could sense your doubt and impending retreat behind the walls you've built, he grabbed your hand firmly and you left 'sparks' travel through your arm. he stared into your eyes, tried to learn its secrets, but you wouldn't let him, not again.

"I love you. no matter what happens in the future, all I want is your love in return."

your heart ached and your head pounded, both portraying different sides.

your heart wished to sing with the love you knew you still felt for him .

whereas, your head screamed that you could never let him or anyone know.

"I don't want you to wait for a love that'll never come. I want you to find someone and be happy-"

It was as if a light was flickered in your eyes, you saw a brief flash before you felt it. Namjoon's lips were planted firmly on yours, in a kiss- not passionate or feverish- a languid kiss that affected you more than you'd ever admit.

he broke away first, "I know what is good for me Y/N. I know what'll make me happy, and that's being with you, love. when you're ready, I'll be more than happy to love you the way you deserve. "


Officially back from my break!
Thank you to everyone reading my book, I hope you enjoy it!
Also, we hit 300 reads(and more!) Thank You!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2022 ⏰

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