chapter ten: NCT

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"why did you ask me here?"

it seemed every time these two souls collided this question was asked.

"i want to talk to you about the ring."

"the one you shoved at me?? Min Yoongi i've said it many times but i'll say it again. i don't want anything to do with you, what we had was in the past-"

"and it was stupid and naive and toxic. i don't want what we had in the past. I want us to make a sound present and prosperous future."

"Yoongi i can't do this-"

"please give me a chance. i'm sure we can-"

"i'm seeing someone."

Yoongi froze, "w-what?"

"i'm seeing someone, we've been together for a month and a half and we're making it just fine."

"does he know who you are, what you do?"

"he doesn't and i'll keep it that way for as long as necessary. Yoongi what we had was horrible and manipulative. i can see that you have indeed changed and you'll always be my first love. i just can't do this anymore."

"i respect your decision and wish you and your partner a good relationship. i don't think i'll ever get over you but i guess life is just unfair that way."

"bye Yoongi."

"goodbye Jaemin."


you sat at the head of the rounded table peering tentatively at your board.

"their calling themselves NCT. collectively they own Neo the club in the outskirts of Seoul and are in a joint business Neo Culture Technology- it specializes in hacking and tracking. they're broken up into divisions according to specialty and location. as of now the only members we know are Qian Kun- which you are all aware is dead."

most of the board members looked around and started speaking amongst themselves. then came Yung-gi's- one of the board member's- question "and the others?" 

"the other seven we know of are: Jeong Yun Oh known on the streets as Jaehyun. he's a drug dealer and weapon's specialist."

everyone took notes, simultaneously peering at the picture shown in the file they were all given.

"next we have Kim Dong Young better known as Doyoung as of now we're unaware of his roles other than manager at Neo. then there is Dong Si Cheng or WinWin, he's a well known assassin and also manages Neo."

"Kim Jung Woo, Nakamato Yuta- another recruit-, Xiao Dejun- Xiaojun, Huang Ren Jun. these males mostly deal with Neo Culture Technology so as of now we don't know the specialties."

"what about their leader? what do they want?"

"NCT has shown us that even though they have only just started this game, they won't settle for anything other than the top. instead of first targeting smaller gangs and mafias they have directly made way for the Gim Mafia, that being because we are number one."

"other than the young man you caught at the Convergence there have been no other reports of them. how are you sure that they weren't simply attempting?"

your board of directors were as cocky and highfalutin as they came, more specifically Lee Dong-shi was- you trusted them not and would relieve them soon enough.

"because Dong-shi i unlike you get evidence to back up my claims and accusations." you watched the way his face faltered, ah i see now.

"Dong-shi as you're aware our reactors in Yongsan-gu have been going off mysteriously at night. i let the Min Squad investigate and after trial and error we found that NCT was behind it."

at this information Dong-shi's face completely fell, he succumbed to a serious cold sweat, his reaction already gave you everything you'd wanted, "now i doubt these low bred fools could be able to pull this without help so unsurprisingly when i found that you- Mr Lee- have been helping them, i couldn't help but laugh. all of you know about my low tolerance when it comes to trust and loyalty, i want all of you packed and ready to leave at the end of the day."

voices filled with shock and displeasure filled the room, "you can't do that, if you relieve us we'll simply give away all the information we know to your rivals."

"that's exactly why none of you will leave here alive, you may think i'm a naive girl but i'm far from that. none of you will see the light of day again, i have men waiting to escort you all."

you rose from the chair at the head of the table and made your way towards the entrance, ignoring the five voices of complaint, "oh and Mr. Lee, you dear will be living a little longer than the others i want to know everything you know about NCT."

with that she left and made her way to her office.


"Jaemin, i've been notified that you are currently in a relationship."

"y-yes i a-am."

"now you know we run a tight ship and even tighter inside circle. i trust your loyalty towards the Gim Mafia, as for your lover, everything in this game called life is unknown. does he know of your occupation."

you watched as the woman before you flinched, "he-he doesn't know and i don't plan on telling him anything about it."

"i see. have you conducted a background check on him."

"a-actually i have not. i don't want to doubt him, its-"

"Jaemin in the business we currently reside we can't afford loose ends and mysteries. whoever this male is- i will not snoop that far into your personal life- i expect you to take proper protocol in handling him. you never know who people truly are."

you watched as Jaemin lowered her head, "i'd have to admit from what i been able to find you and MIn Yoongi had a rough past but truthfully i'd have rathered him over some male that just popped up out of Santa's ass." 

Jaemin snorted, "i-i'll look into it."

"you may leave then."

"and um y-y/n," you raised a brow, "thank you."

you sat stunned as she walked out. you may have shot them out but you could never sit and see them get hurt or mislead. you blame it on your secretly soft, stolen, broken heart. 

i'd risk my life if it meant you all could be safe.


okay so new people. i introduced some of the people that will thicken the plot.

just saying this now i really love NCT but damn they'll be the bad guys here.

Jaemin and Yoongi talked also, if yall remember in book one there was a chapter dedicated to their past, i'm happy to continue their story.

i hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Thank You For Reading.

🅥🅞🅣🅔                                      🅒🅞🅜🅜🅔🅝🅣

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