chapter six: everything but

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now three days after the whole torture thing, you stood in front if your vanity. sleek pools of silk and lace pooling a round your figure. "why did i agree to do this. fuck."

you stared as it danced around your feet in a brilliant auburn burn, almost like the blazing sky on a glorious sunset.

"cause your going to teach LMN a lesson."

you had forgotten Jaemin was in the room- to caught up in your disgust. "ah yes. some snakes need to be skinned."

Jaemin looked troubled- it was something that twisted her face and made her look way older than she was- it didn't fit her.

"aren't you worried?" ahh there was the million dollar question.

you gave Jaemin a flat look before chuckling, "did i ever mention the time i was kidnapped in the US?"

her eyes widened, her mouth gaped, "w-what that was never reported."

"and it never will be." you gave her a look one that clearly said 'this will never leave this room'. "let's just say my capturers were the ones in trouble."

you looked at yourself in the full length mirror once again. your eyes drifting ever so slightly to the torn piece of plaid on your wall. truly brilliant.

"taking down LMN will be as easy as exterminating a bug."

"if you're ready then so am-"

"no, i'm doing this alone. i forbid you from intervening. relay the message to Hamin and Seongmin."


it was a simple reply really. dry. you aren't sure what you were expecting- it was definitely something more.

"now go. we leave in 20, tell the girls to be ready."

with a heavy sigh and even heavier heart Jaemin trudged from the room.

you watched, unable to shake the thoughts from your head, unable to take your eyes away from that dreadful piece of cloth. 

why did you still have it.


Jaemin walked down to hallway of their home, making her way towards Seongmin's surveillance room, where she knew for sure both girls were.

while walking she subconsciously toyed with the ring on her finger. the one she got from him. she was confused really. not sure on how to proceed with him, on how to function.

quickly regaining her senses- and refusing to worry herself with him for now- she made her way down the stairs and to the mauve door, pushing it open.

she saw both girls hunched over a computer screen, giggling.

"what's so malicious?"

"just watching Taehyung trying to get through the firewalls."

"is he getting through."

"oh, he is. just that he's not on his way to anything important."

"i don't understand the point, then again that's probably why i am not in the hacking field."

"you know-"

"there it is again," Seongmin voice held such steel.


"the reactor in our building down town has been emitting false alarms all week."

"that sounds fishy."

"i know, but every time we check there is nothing. nada. nyet."

"have you called someone in to check it?"

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