Volume 1 Chapter 1: First Day...

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Eve approached the school with her head held high and a wide smile across her face. Her heart pounded out of her chest as she walked past the students of the school.

Distant Voice: "What have you done!?"

She smiled happily and waved at the kids looking at her sideways. She turned the corner and headed up the stairs.

Distant Voice: "Evelyn? Why is there blood all over you?"

She walked towards class 1-B, she was teaching with Vlad King since All Might was helping class 1-A.

Distant Voice: "My hands just moved on their own."

She knocked on the door and smiled genuinely at Vlad as he gestured for her to come in. She bowed and stood there in front of the class standing next to very tall hero compared to her size.

Vlad King: "Thanks for coming, this here is pro hero Eve. She's the youngest pro hero in Japan, and she'll be helping out around this school. Mostly with our class, since All Might is busy with class 1-A. You may explain everything else."

She smiled happily and jumped up onto his desk and sat down criss crossed. She saw the students were excited but really nervous. It's a few weeks into the school year, and there's already been an attack on the school from the league of villians. "Hey there, I'm here to teach you something that most people forget about on the battle field. Do you know what that is, hm?"

A orange haired girl raised her hand up. "Yes?" She looked around and forced out the answer in her throat. "Strategy?" Eve giggled with delight. "Exactly. The best way to use your quirks in tight places and tough situations. How to survive the worst situation with minimal effort." She stood up and snapped her fingers loudly. A bunch of floating physical hands appeared in the air above her head. The class gasped softly. "Relax, it's my quirk." She closed her eyes and held out her hands. The copies were covered with gloves just like her own hands. They all patted the kid's heads and she smirked slightly. "I can compartmentalize when I use my quirk. I can grade papers, cook, and fight bad guys all at once." She opened her eyes and they were glowing brightly. "Wow." The kids were memorized. She snapped her fingers and the hands disappeared. "I hope in time I can soothe your worries. If the damn villains come even near you. I'll crush them." She clenched her fists extremely tight and smirked slightly with confidence. They all cheered up and smiled with relief.

She hopped down,"I may be small but size isn't everything. It's what you do with, that matters." She leaned up against the table. "Any questions?" They all shook their heads. "Good. I'm looking forward to this afternoon. But as a reward for being so good. You may leave early." They all quietly said,"Yes!" She turned her head and smiled at Vlad. He was a little curious why she chose class 1-B instead of the other hero class. She leaped up onto the desk once more. "You may ask me all of your questions, but only after you show me where the coffee is located. I didn't get much sleep and I'm falling asleep." He nodded his head quietly,"Of course, please do follow me."

But as soon as she went to followed him down the hallway the bell rang and the students came running out of the classrooms. Cutting her off from Vald, she got pushed to the ground and roughed up while she was on the ground. She struggled to get back up to her feet. She heard a rough tired voice behind her,"Who the hell are you?" Her head turned and she locked eyes with a red eyed man he was reaching for his knife. She panicked and before she could say anything he lunged towards her with his sharp dagger. She blocked his strike with her costume's gauntlets. She slid back a few inches and smirked slightly at his surprising strength. "As a underground pro hero you are really strong. But you are wrong about me. I'm not a villain, I'm your new colleague." She pushed him back and reached for identification quickly. She held out her hero  license and smiled genuinely. "Sorry for the late introduction. I'm the strategist hero, Eve." He retracted his blade and exhaled slowly trying to calm his breathing. "You are so small." She rubbed the back of her neck. "Yeah well, even so. I'm still very strong." She heard someone fastly approaching,"Eve, are you alright?" She smiled happily and then fell forward, she caught herself. "Is my colleague's tiredness spreading?" She giggled slightly and glanced over at him. "I hope not, well it was good to meet you. Eraserhead." She walked past Vlad.

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