Volume 1 Chapter 9: Pure Concentration

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Previously: She held out her hand and her champion was carrying his friend off the battlefield and he gave her a very strong high five. "Nice job. You have won twice and are going to get 3rd place. Which means you ranked up two times in one go. I'm very proud of you, Kosei." His eyes widened at her saying his first name. "You know my name?" She laughed at his reaction,"I recognize those who work really hard. Your buddy there is named Monoma." He blushed lightly,"Keep pushing past your limits and then some day you might even be able to past that grumpy faced hero." Kosei looked up to see Endeavor staring directly back him seriously. He gulped hesitantly and then heard his deep and serious voice,"You can only go up from here. Don't slack off and keep it up. I'd like to see you try and pass me." He exhaled hot cloud of air in the shape of a skull. Kosei flinched slightly and nodded his head quickly and limped to the nurses station. "Thanks Sensei!" She waved goodbye to her student and glanced over at the hotheaded friend of hers with a hint of fake concern. "Are you alright, I've never seen you try and to be a hero figure before." He went to kick her but she caught his shoe. "Tsk tsk tsk, what a bad hero. You should really try to smile at people, you just freaked out my student with your usual death glare." He retracted his leg and went to walk away. She sighed softly,"It's alright, I'm sure you will smiled more once you open up your heart to me." He looked back and asked what she just said under breath. "I said you are such a pain." He scoffed irritated and tried his best to ignore Eve but it was so hard since she's very good at getting under his skin.

Round 8: Bakugo vs Jurota Shishida (Beasty)

Eve was on top of the stadium again with Endeavor to talk in private. "You don't really seem to like my friends. But I was wondering if you wanted to come to a teacher's celebration this Friday?" He didn't say anything and just watched her beast like student get destroyed by Katsuki Bakugo. "No thanks, I have no interest in meaningless things like that." She laid back and sighed. "I saw that coming, but I just had to try." She stood up and looked down at the battle. It wasn't going as she wanted,"That firecracker kid is such a pain. He's arrogant, stubborn headed, and refuses to work with others." His eyebrows raised. "That's right, he's like a younger version of yourself. And yet is Idol was All Might, the hero and villain I defeated. He hates me for destroying his fake reality that All Might was a nice guy that cared. He was fooled by his greatness just like me when I was a kid. Until he slaughtered my two parents in cold blood.  You would think that he saved me from the abuse but witnessing death at such young age ruined me. Their faces haunted me for years, I've done so many bad things and I'm still so young. I can't be saved from the darkness but the next generation can be prepared for the darkness of this world. And if they are prepared, they can survive anything that happens." Endeavor rested his hand on her shoulder as he crouched down. "You aren't alone anymore. You have friends as you said before, they can support you in hard times." He seemed sad when he was talking about friends. "You say all this but you still think that you have no one." His eyes widened slightly at her smiling warmly at him with a shine in her cyan eyes. "You are my friend too, and we have each other's backs." He smiled just slightly before returning to his serious self. "Yeah, we are." She giggled slightly at his reaction.

And then they both heard cheering and Present Mic speaking about the brutal fight. Eve snapped her fingers and the several hands disappeared. She was watching while she talked to endeavor. "If you can still come to the party here's the address." He looked down at the piece of paper she gave him before heading down to see her student.

Eve saw her student limp towards her bleeding heavily from his head and all over his body. His left arm was broken. She caught him from falling forward. "I failed you Sensei." She smiled kindly at his weak expression. "You are not worthless or a failure just because you lost. You held your own against an monsterous powerhouse. You observed his fighting style and tried your best. Sometimes loosing is good for you, you learned from how he fought and how to counteract his weaknesses and strengths. And because you did so good, you deserve a rank up." "Really Sensei?" She ruffled his hair and put him over her shoulder. "Yes, of course Jurota." His eyes shook with shock. "You said my name?" They arrived at the medical wing of the building. "You caught my attention and learning the names of hard working students is necessary for the future. I'll slowly learn all of your names, but only if you work hard to deserve the attention of me." He kept that in mind as he slowly drifted to sleep. She left the room and saw Kendo fidgeting with nerves.

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