Volume 2 Chapter 1: Dirty Secrets Part 1

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Previously: Aizawa was stalking Eve as she went home from the teacher's celebration. She went to city in her vigilante outfit to meet up with her brother. Did I mention it's 1am in the morning? While she's gone out, Aizawa stayed behind and decided to check out her house. He's truly a monster of the night, after all he's a vampire. Now back to the story...
(Sexual, trigger, and violent warnings!)

Meanwhile somewhere else: "That was really close, good thing I moved from my previous position. I have her scent memorized so I'll go chase after later. But first, I must check out her house." As soon as he took a step into her room his appearance changed.

A/N~ (Aizawa's Vamp form) Red sclera, and golden irises with black devil shaped pupils. Long sharp fangs, razor sharp nails, Silver white hair, it sparkles in the moonlight.

He picked up her dirty clothes and sniffed really hard and his eyes rolled back in his head. "Her scent is delicious." Aizawa looked up at her walls and saw a few posters and figurines of him and Present Mic. She was obsessed with him more than he thought. He intrigued by what else she was into. He crouched down and something black and sharp came out of his body. "My black sand will find all of your secrets."

It wrapped around a box under her bed, above her closet and something out of her dresser. He licked his dry lips and smirked devilishly as he laid them down on her perfect and cute looking bed. He reached out to grab the lid of the first box. His eyebrows raised and eyes widened in surprise as he said,"My, my, what do we have here?" 

Aizawa's POV: She is such a naughty girl, who would have thought she would be into such sexual devices? She's so small, how would they even fit inside her? How interesting but I wonder else you are hiding from me. I reach out to touch the journal and I unzip the sides. I flip to the first page and I see something regarding her childhood. It makes me cringe at the explicit words she has written. Her father deflowered her at the age of maturing. That disgusting man, and he was killed by Anti Might. She witnessed death at such a young age and her quirk did terrible things that caused her to spiral out of control. At least that explains a few things I was wondering about. I want to read more but I'll let her tell me herself in the future. I zip it back up and open up the old shoe box to see a bunch of printed out pictures of my friends and me. She's been stalking me for at least a few years now? Wow that's some crazy work ethic and hard effort. I want to learn more about your life in this house.*

He put everything back we're it was exactly and opened the door with his black sand. He looked down the hallway and her scent was all over the place. He was in heaven and couldn't help but laugh at what was happening to him.

He walked into another room that looked like a professional office. He went through everything until one of the drawers had a secret lever. Something unlocked and he saw a fake wall cracked open. "How clever of you." He placed the several heavy boxes on the ground and took a closer look. "What's this?"

League Of Villians Info: (Eve's Notes) 'AFO is the leader, Deku aka Izuku Midoriya is the the secret son of Hisashi Midoriya/Shigaraki. Broccoli boy might be acting innocent but is really a evil mastermind? Kuroguri is the caretaker of Tomura Shigaraki the adoptive son of Hisashi. He can decay things he touches, he attacked Eraserhead during USJ. Broccoli acted to protect All Might but injured his arm, by accident? Or on purpose to look weak? All Might knew of the attack so he used up his power in the morning to have a good excuse? Eraserhead was severely injured but healed up way too quickly, which means he must be a vampire or something like me? Traitors posing as students. Broccoli boy? Teachers or faculty? I must learn more about the school inner workings and get closer to Eraserhead to protect him from Anti Might....'

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