Volume 2 Chapter 2: Dirty Secrets Part 2

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Previously: Aizawa closed the file realizes that what she said in the alleyway was her confirming that he was a vampire. For years she's been stalking and learning about him. Just being near him must have been heaven for her, just like it is for him now being her house. He put everything back and left the office feeling better about himself falling in love with her.

Aizawa headed downstairs to the kitchen. Her scent was all over the walk in pantry. He brought out his phone and turned on it's flashlight. Their was another movable shelf,"She really likes her hidden rooms." He switched to his thermal vision and pressed the numbers in order on the fake thermostat. The day that she came across him was labeled on the file. He heard a clicking sound and the shelf went into the the wall and revealed a walk in freezer. He stepped inside and saw hung up bodies, shelves with labeled vials of blood. Blood bags from the hospital, and ton of ice cream. "Ice cream right next to a bunch of blood and frozen corpses? How strange but somehow also interesting. She must really like ice cream, let's see cheesecake and key lime flavored ice cream. If I could, i would definitely try it but sadly human food isn't for me." He left the room and left everything as he saw it. "She truly is just like me the more I learn about her. I wonder if you have a basement too?" He opened the door that had her scent coming from farther inside. He looked down to see it went down pretty far. And it had a spiral like staircase, Aizawa sprinted down to the bottom of the stairs. He leaped off the last few stairs and stayed low to the ground as he looked around.  He walked around and saw a strangely placed bookshelf,"Hmph, how cute."

He figured out how to unlock it and pushed the heavy door open. It was hiding something quite surprising that Aizawa wasn't expecting from her. It was a secret door to a sex and torture dungeon. She wasn't just a monster but also a sex freak.

Aizawa was looking forward to seeing her tied up all for him. And then torturing a person together, such great date ideas ahead in their future.

Aizawa desired to make her his even more than before. Nothing could stand in his way of claiming her heart all for himself. He sniffed her dirty clothes one last time and then leaped out of her window. She was located in the nearby city with her brother. He was determined to find no matter what happens.

Back to Eve meeting her brother: Eve landed gracefully onto the streetlight above of her brother's GPS location. He was standing in the dark alleyway with Stain the hero killer. She grabbed one of her hilts but her brother held up his hand. "Just wait a second, I've talked to him and he'll act as our inside man for the league but he has a request." He looked at Stain to explain. "My star pupil is posing as a student but he's unemployed and not on anyone's payroll. If you can convince an organization to take him in then I'll do anything you want as long as you desire."

Eve dropped down from the lamp and smirked slightly,"The league is isn't the right organization for your pupil. But I have a contact that's a Yakuza and they can get me a personal meeting with the boss. He kinda owes me one but that's all I'll say about that." She walked towards the hero killer and then just before she said anything else her hidden hands spotted Aizawa nearby listening. She had her right glove off. "I'll make sure he's taken care of and my brother will handle everything else from there. My cover as a pro hero and teacher is getting more complex. I can't go out like this as much as my brother." She had one of her hands whispered softly into her brother's ear, he nodded his head and took over. She ran and jumped on the street lamp and then parkoured up the side of the concrete building all the way up to the rooftop.

She sensed Aizawa just slightly, she's been stalking him longer than him stalking her. He doesn't stand a chance when it comes to Eve. She can sense things that normal people can't usually smell, see, or hear. She knew that she had to confront him in order to put her overall plan into action.

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