Chapter 1

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Perrie's POV:

"Perrie, get your ass out of bed. You have a long day ahead of you." I groan and lift my head from the pillow slightly to look at Ellie, my assistant.

She should definitely have a different title. Assistant doesn't even begin to describe all the things she does for me. Ellie always has my whole schedule figured out and makes sure that I arrive everywhere on time. If it wasn't for her, I would miss half of the interviews I had planned. Aside from that, she's also a true friend. She jokes with me on my good days and effortlessly gets me through my bad days, which is quite an achievement. She deserves a better title than 'assistant', that's for sure.

"What am I doing today?" I ask groggily. "You're going into hair and make-up in half an hour, and then you have to do an interview on Capital Breakfast. After that, it's interviews and games for different tv and radio stations until around four in the afternoon and then you'll have the rest of today and tomorrow free to prepare for your concert tomorrow."

I slowly sit down in bed and push the covers off of me. "By free, you mean I'll have to be in rehearsals all day?" "I do." She answers apologetically. Ellie always feels bad when my schedule is tight, but I'm already used to it by now. I chose this life.

Doing press while on tour is the worst, though. I want to focus all my energy on giving my fans a great show, but I have to do a gazillion interviews. I'm aware that my fans also like the content I give them from interviews, but they just make me tired.

I know that I can't really complain since I'm living the dream, but sometimes I wish I'd chosen to stay out of the media a little more, like Beyoncé or something.

"Okay, I've given you enough time to wake up. Let's go." Ellie drags me out of my bed and pushes me into the bathroom. "Put on something presentable and get down for breakfast."

Rummaging through my suitcase, I decide to wear all black. Today is a day where I don't want people to think I'm some cute, kind girl. I'm one hell of a pop star, and you're not going to mess with me. I pull my hair up in a messy bun since it will be done for me later anyways and make my way down to the breakfast area.

Ellie is still eating, so I join her with some toast and tea. I don't get people's obsession with breakfast. I hate feeling stuffed all day because of a big breakfast. "Are you trying to scare people off with that outfit, or are you trying to lure a new woman in your bed because you're so 'mysterious'"

"Oh Ellie, people don't sleep with me because I'm 'mysterious.'" I answer, copying her air quotes. "They sleep with me because I'm Perrie Edwards," I state before taking a bite of my toast.

"Humble as always." She mumbles just loud enough for me to hear. "If you and I weren't such good friends, you'd want to sleep with me too, don't try to deny it."

I know for a fact that I can get any woman I want to sleep with me. Nobody has ever said no to me and it's not going to happen soon. Besides the fact that I'm famous multiple women have already spoken to the press about how good I am in bed, so my reputation in that department is quite good.

"Sometimes, I'm afraid that you're just going to leave our planet in a spaceship." I furrow my eyebrows at the blonde in front of me. "Clearly, you're not down to earth anymore."

My eyes roll on their own accord. "I still have enough people around me keeping me grounded." I shoot back, but the blonde doesn't seem impressed. "Aw yeah, like who?"

"Leigh-Anne." Ellie rolls her eyes because honestly, Leigh is the worst person to keep me grounded. She is the most bad and boujee person in my life. "Speaking about her, are we doing press together today?"

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