Chapter 2

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Jade's POV:

"Oh my god, for real!?" Holly squeals and almost drops her cup of coffee at my words. "How was she? Is she just as hot in real life as in her music videos? Was she nice? Did you touch her? How does she smell?"

My friend looks at me expectantly. "She's even hotter in real life," is the only thing I answer as I sit down at the counter. Holly is the one who first showed me Perrie Edwards' songs and music videos and she is definitely a huge fan.

I also love her music a lot, but I wouldn't call myself a superfan like I don't know random stuff about her the way Holly does. I swear that you could ask that woman anything about Perrie Edwards and she'd know it. It's insane.

"Oh my god, I'm so jealous that you've met my future wife before I have," Holly says dramatically and starts nibbling on a croissant. I chuckle at my friend's antics and also take a croissant. "She's at Capital right now. You can go and wait until she comes out."

Holly's mouth falls open and she jumps up to grab her coat and shoes. "I'll be back, Jadey!" She yells as she slams the door shut behind her.

I shake my head in amusement at my best friend and continue eating breakfast in peace. Peace and thoughts about Perrie.

Perrie's POV:

The interview goes by fairly quickly and to be honest, the host isn't too bad. I mostly absolutely hate the interviewers and hosts I get, but this one was okay.

The interviewers usually ask the same questions over and over again, which can be frustrating. However, I can't show that I'm frustrated since it would damage my career. I get ready to leave the building and go to the next interview.

By now, some fans and paparazzi are waiting for my exit. "You don't have much time to speak to your fans right now. We're already running late," Ellie tells me as we walk to the front door.

I nod my head and follow my security guard outside. As soon as I leave the building, screams can be heard all around me and people are pushing to get to me. "Perrie, can you take a picture?" "Perrie, I love you so much!" "Perrie, please marry me!" I keep my eyes trained on my bodyguard's back as I ignore the screams. I've heard it all before.

When I finally get in the car I release a loud sigh. These people are going to give me a headache. Ellie sits down beside me and we're off to the following interview.

"Ellie, I need you to do something for me." The blonde nods and waits for my instructions. "I want you to check every name on the list of people who bought a ticket to my concert tomorrow. Find every Jade on the list and give them a backstage pass."

Ellie raises her eyebrows at me. "Trying to find that woman from earlier?" I shrug my shoulders and look outside of the window. "How are you going to sell this to your fans? You just randomly giving out backstage passes to Jade's"

"I don't care, Ellie. Figure it out." I take a deep breath and turn towards her. "I just have to have her."

"And by that, you mean that you're going to take her home after your concert and fuck her brains out?" Ellie says apprehensively.

"Can you blame me? Did you see her? Did you see that body?" Ellie shrugs and gives me an amused look. "I certainly saw you tenting your pants like a teenager."

I shove my friend playfully. "Shut up," Ellie smirks at that. "You're not going to last long if that's your reaction to an innocent hug."

"This girl might damage your reputation." The blonde continues as we stop in front of the next radio station.

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