Chapter 11

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Perrie's POV:

Waking up today feels like a dream. Jade is cuddled up beside me and she looks so peaceful after what happened last night. I at least expected some caution from her, but she didn't even try to stop me once.

It's still early and Jade doesn't have to work today, so I decided to get out of bed and let her sleep some more. The second I walk into the kitchen to make myself some tea, my phone starts ringing.

"Perrie Edwards," I answer my phone, not bothering to look at the caller ID. "Hello stranger, do you want to go out for breakfast?"

"Leigh Leigh! Yeah, of course. Let me just take a shower, meet you in half an hour?" I haven't seen my buddy since the tour has ended, we did call occasionally, but everyone knows that it's not the same. "Perfect. I'll text you the address."

I hang up the phone, leave the kettle behind me and walk back into Jade's bedroom. The brunette is still sleeping peacefully, so I walk to my suitcase as silently as possible. I pick out a suitable outfit, knowing that paps will show up, and jump into the shower.

I take my time in the shower and my mind wanders back to last night. My patience surely got rewarded and now I can't wait to sleep with her for real. How long would it take for her to do that? It's only a small step from giving me a blowjob to having sex, right?

I try to stop my wandering mind and continue getting ready. After putting on some light makeup and straightening my hair, I walk out of the bathroom and Jade is sitting up in bed. She's still rubbing her eyes and yawning.

"Good morning," I say happily, causing the brunette to turn towards me. "Why do you look that good this early?" She honestly sounds annoyed by it, which makes me chuckle. "Because I'm going out for breakfast with Leigh-Anne."

She nods her head and goes back to stretching. Her shirt rides up a little as she stretches her arms above her head and arches her back. I walk towards the bedside and place my hands on her sides, feeling her skin underneath my fingers.

"I'll see you soon," I add before leaning forward and pressing my lips against her slightly parted ones. Our lips stay pressed together for a few seconds before I pull away. Jade smiles brightly and it's a big difference from her annoyance I saw just a moment ago.

When I try to move away, the brunette pulls me in again with one hand on the back of my head. I let out an audible sigh at her action and draw away with a dreamy look on my face.

"Have fun." She says and I feel her eyes on me as I walk out of her room.


"Pez, it's been too long." Leigh shrieks as I walk into the bakery she chose. We hug excitedly and I have to say that it's refreshing to be reunited with her. I've been living in my little bubble with Jade and it sometimes made me forget about the world going on around us.

"Yeah, definitely." I look around the place and it's obvious that they are a little intimidated by our presence. The tv shows a gossip channel about celebrities as if that's what we're used to, and everyone is looking at us.

"How have you been?" I ask as I sit down opposite my friend. "Same since we called. Missing tour a lot, but excited to write for my new album. How about you? Have you been able to write?" Our careers are a big part of our friendship, so we always talk about it to each other.

Leigh is the only person except for my label who hears all my albums before I release them. I know that she'll be upfront with me and tell me if some songs are shit and vice versa. I sigh heavily and Leigh frowns instantly. "I still haven't found the right flow. I write two or three sentences and then I realize what bullshit it is and start over again."

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