~ Chapter 14 ~

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"Jeongguk stop!" the second Taehyung's voice hit his ears he immedietly stumbles back, dropping to the floor "oh my gosh!...oh my gosh!! Tae baby im so sorry!!" he apologised his breathing uneven as he tried to recollect himself before trying to hold Taehyung who was shaking frantically, he was traumatised and Jeongguk was the reason. However Taehyung did not pull away like jeongguk had expected instead he cuddled closer to him, he could hear his baby crying into his bare chest, Jeongguk covered Taehyung up. He caused this, he was the reason Taehyung was like this...how could he do this after what his baby has been through.

Jeongguk felt bad...he wanted to kill himself...he needed to make it up to him. 

-Next morning-

When Taehyung woke up Jeongguk was gone...'no surprise'  he thought as he started to get ready, he stared at the marks on his neck...he was used to this treatment, he doesn't know why he expected anything else from Jeongguk. He walked down the stairs looking for Jin but he was nowhere to be found, it was his day off.

He saw a black Mercedes G wagon pull he and saw Jeongguk come out, Taehyung opened the door, putting on a soft smile he waited for Jeongguk. 

The raven haired grabbed a medium sized boxed, smiling as he walked up to Taehyung but the younger boy did not speak to him "Tae baby I got a surprise for you...this is an apology I know it won't make it up to you but this is only the start..." he whispered as he set the box down infront of Taehyung, curiously the younger boy looked at it "what is it Ggukie?" he asked softly as he kneeled down, Jeongguk doing the same thing "open it" Jeongguk said as Taehyung opened the box a little brown doberman puppy, he was brown with floppy ears covering his eyes. "oh my goodness a puppy?!" excitement was evident in his voice "yes baby, what do you want to name him?" Jeongguk asked as he petted the dog and pulled Taehyung into his lap "Bahm...Jeon Bahm"he replied smiling into his chest. "Thank you Ggukie... I forgive you I know you weren't yourself." he said kissing the puppy "Jeon Bahm? I guess im the daddy" Jeongguk replied laughing softly "thank you baby im still so sorry" he kissed his head gently "and im the mommy" Taehyung said excitedly "im going to be more open with you, starting from tomorrow I will tell you my whole story" Jeongguk promised.

"I'd love that Ggukie." he replied giving Eskimo kisses to the raven. "Ya Bahmie be nice to mommy while I go get your stuff" Jeongguk said as he started to unpack his car.

Hi all please check out my book "AWAKENED" THANK YOUUUU

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