1~ Mario Wars

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*Dan's POV*

"PHIIILLLL" I yelled across the flat. "Are we going to play Mario Kart or not?"

Silence was the only response. I sat, controller in hand, anxiously awaiting an answer. "PHIIIIIIL," I yelled again. "Oh, uhm, just a minute!" I finally heard Phil yell back from his room. I chuckled to myself. That Phil has to be deaf in an ear. No longer than a minute later, Phil came shuffling into the room, wearing his usual plaid shirt, jeans, and mismatched socks. "I'm here, I'm here, don't start without me!" he said, jumping on the couch and grabbing the controller that was his. "You know I would never do that. This is our special time," I said, looking over at my ebony - haired best friend. "Special time? We live together, Dan! We can spend as much time together as we want!" Phil responded. "Yeah, I suppose. Hey, want to film this for DanandPhilGAMES?" I asked, glancing over at my camera. "Sure, we haven't uploaded in a while," Phil said, reaching over my lap for the camera and setting it on the tripod. I chuckled again. We were going to upload this, and the Phandom would yell at us because it isn't Just Dance.

"Hello DanandPhilGAMES.... Mushrooms!" Phil said. I looked over at him and laughed. That dork. "Mushrooms? Really?" I said, looking at my friend in the eyes. "Yeah! We are playing Mario Kart and mushrooms are in Mario Kart!" he said back, trying to justify his stupidity. I shook my head. "ANYWAYS, yes, we are playing Mario Kart," I said, fixing my fringe. "I call Mario!" Phil yelled. "No, I'm Mario. It's only logical I'm Mario!" I said back. Phil had a sly smirk on his face as he selected Mario before me. "Hey! Not fair!" I said back, giving him a friendly punch. Phil laughed a little, his tounge sticking out the corner of his mouth, the cute way it did. I loved filming with Phil.

Hey guys! I hope you liked the first extremely short chapter. I hopefully will upload again soon. Yes it's short, but it means I can upload more often! Byeee my Mushrooms!

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