3~ Just Friends?

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*Dan's POV*

"- and once again I reign over Phil in Mario Kart. That's 3 wins for me... and Phil, how many do you have?" I asked, holding up the Dan vs. Phil board. "One," Phil replied, "but that is gonna change!" "Suuuure Phil. Anyways, thanks for watching this!" I said, giving our end-of-video speech. "And if you liked it, click right here to subscribe!" Phil said, making strange hand gestures to where I'm going to need to put a subscribe link later. "See you later!" I said, waving to the camera. "Bye!" both Phil and I said at the same time. I clicked off the recording. Letting out a breath, I slouched into my normal position.

"Dan?" Phil's voice asked, minutes after we were done recording and uploaded the video. "Mmmhm?" I replied back, too involved in Tumblr to look at him. "I-I was thinking. You said we needed to clean the track," he said back the nerves obvious in his voice. I huffed. "First of all, you were the one that said that, and second, well, I'll show you this one," I said, putting my laptop aside.

I crawled forward on the couch towards Phil, like an ape in the woods hunting it's prey. I let out a fake growl and Phil chuckled. Soon, I was over him, my fringe lightly falling on his forehead. I felt his warm breath on my nose, calling me closer. I looked into those bright blue eyes and saw something more than a best friend. I saw a lover.

"D-Dan?" Phil said, his older voice trembling in something similar to fear. "Shut up you big baby," I said, closing the gap between our mouths before he could respond. I was laying on him now, the only thing separating us was a few layers of clothing. Phil's hands reached to my hair and pulled me away from his mouth. "Dan. Everyone knows you bottom," he said, and in a quick motion flipped us so he was on top. He rushed back in for the kiss.

*Phil's POV*

I had to give Tumblr the victory here. Being on top of Dan was a rush, the feeling of empowerment that I never had was there, nestled deep in my lust filled heart. I slowly loosed my kiss as I thought. This was my best friend. Not my lover. I couldn't be in love with him, could I?

Dan was too perfect for me, I pulled away from the kiss and sat up. I eyed him down, his deep brown eyes returning the stare in confusion. I felt something in my heart snap. There was absolutely no way I could make love to my best friend. I started to tear up. "Phil, what's wrong?" Dan asked, worried. "I-I'm sorry, I just- I just can't do this," I said, getting up and running to my room. The last thing I remember seeing was Dan jolting upward to come after me.

I sat under my duvet and cried. I've loved him so much since I first met him, and now that I had the chance to do what I imagined for years, I was scared? It wasn't like me.

I heard a soft knock on my door, and the sweet voice whisper, "Phil?" "C-Come i-in," I spoke, moving over so Dan had a place to sit. "Hey," he said, giving me a small smile. The way he did made my heart melt. He sat down next to me and put a reassuring arm around my shoulder. "It's ok," he said, "I understand. We've been just friends for years and-" "I DON'T WANT TO BE JUST FRIENDS! Dan, I love you, and there is nothing I can do to change that. I'm just scared what the others will think," I said, anger replacing my sadness. Dan lightly smiled again and wiped away my tears. "Don't worry what others say. In fact- Let's tell them right now," Dan said, pulling out his iPhone. "Hello Internet, my name is Dan, and as you can see, I'm here with Phil. It's been a long time in the coming, and many of you expected it, but it's true. Phil and I are a couple," he said, kissing me on the lips to prove it. Happiness flushed through my body as he kissed me. I was happy this was official, and I didn't care what they said.

Dan Howell was my boyfriend.

HEY GUYS! So I hope you liked this chapter. I liked writing it. Both of the co-owners of this account have written Creepypastas, hers being Crimson Closet and mine Ebony Mason. They took us lots of time to write, so if you check them out and leave a comment on both, one of the next chapters will be dedicated to YOU! So go! Read! And stay awesome my chimpanzees.

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