2~ Dirty Track

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*Phil's POV*

Filming with Dan was always a treat for me. He would be so much more- himself on camera. He would always get angry about the littlest of things, especially when I get Mario before him.

"Fine. Whatever. I'll play as Donkey Kong, but I get to choose the first course," Dan said, selecting Donkey Kong. "Alright," I agreed. I was terrible anyways, it didn't matter what course I was on. "I choose," Dan started, flickering through the courses, "Rainbow Road." I smiled, but in the inside I was scared. Rainbow Road was my hardest course. I fell off every 5 seconds, and Dan knew this. The numbers flashed over the screen. 3... I looked into the camera giving them the best "scared Phil" face I could. 2... I could feel my normally dry hands get clammy. Why was I so nervous? 1... GO! Dan got the head start of course. I trailed far behind him, already in last place. "Dan! Wait up!" I said, obviously joking. "No way! I'm out to win!" he replied back. Dan, of course, was in first place. I noticed I hadn't fallen off yet. This was a record. "DAMN IT!" Dan yelled, falling off the track. "The first fall goes to Dan, for once," I said, the shock very obvious in my voice. I had almost gone a full lap without falling. Then I noticed my little placement score in the corner; I was in second place! "I'm in second! Holy nuts, I'm in second!" I said, bouncing up and down in my seat. "Yeah, yeah, that's cute. I'm in- THIRD?! You're beating me!" Dan said. He was more surprised than I was.

~Two laps later~

"I'm winning! I'm in first!" I eagerly said, screen cheating on Dan to see he was in 3rd. "Not for long!" Dan replied back, racing forward into second. I could see the finish line. Yet I could see Dan was right behind me. I crossed the finish line, milliseconds before Dan. "I WON! I actually really won!" I screamed, jumping up and doing a little jig. Dan made his signature pouty-pissed face, but one thing was off. He was looking at me with heart eyes Howell. I knew what it was, I scroll through Tumblr now and then. It would be normal if he did it to other things too, but it was always at me. Like he liked me.

*Dan's POV*

I couldn't help it. He looked so cute celebrating my defeat, it was almost impossible to not look at him. Was it admiration? Was it love? I'm not to sure myself. All I knew right now is that Phil beat me at Mario Kart on the hardest course, we were filming, and I had to act upset, even though I was very proud on the inside. "Phiiil...." I moaned. I think I pulled off a smooth recovery.

*Phil's POV*

It was very obvious Dan was proud of me, even though he moaned like he was upset. "You lost! Haha!" I mocked, sitting back down. "No I didn't! The track was just- dirty," he said back, pausing before dirty. I chuckled. "Dan, I don't think the track is the only one that's dirty," I said. Dan's eyes opened in suprise, yet I saw a hint of lust. "Phil," he said in his firm voice. Dan clicked off the camera. "How- What-" he started. "You were doing 'heart eyes Howell' Dan. Don't think I didn't pick up on it. To be honest, I think I might feel the same way," I said. I never meant to say that. It just kinda... came out.

Just like I just did.

"Phil," Dan said again, his firm voice melting into a sweet bliss of a tone. His sultry voice speaking my name made me quiver. "Yes?" I spoke back. "We're best friends. We can't-" "Why not?" I cut him off. "Well, we should probably finish the video, and clean the tracks," Dan said after a pause. I smiled. This was going to be good.

Hello mushrooms! Part 2 is done! No smut yet hahahahahhahaha! Don't worry, thirsty children. It's coming soon. Byee!

PS heyy what do you think of linger chapters? Yes? No? Leave a comment!

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