Chapter 5: A Novel Approach

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Liv's in the library making copies of the book, Malia found

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Liv's in the library making copies of the book, Malia found. Scott walks up to her and says, "Done?" Liv says, "Done." Liv looks to the librarian and says, "Sorry." Scott says, "I don't think the Dread Doctors are the one stealing the bodies. Think about it. They killed Tracy and walked away. They killed Lucas and walked away. Why would they leave and come back to take the bodies?" Liv says, "Someone else has to be taking them." Scott says, "But the bodies aren't just bodies. They're... they're failures." Liv says, "So if the Chimeras are all failures, what's the success going to be?" Scott says, "Bad. Probably really bad." As they're leaving the library, Scott suddenly stops. Liv says, "What's wrong?" Scott says, "I thought I smelled blood. I don't know. Maybe not."  Later, Liv's in Stiles room telling him that she's going to Eichen House. Stiles says, "Liv, I'm going with you." Liv says, "I thought you said you were sick." Stiles says, "I'm slightly under the weather." Liv says, "You don't have to come. Malia's not going either." Stiles says, "Malia's not going because she knows that that place is a nightmare asylum of insanity and death, okay? Let's go." Liv says, "What was that?" Stiles says, "What was what?" Liv says, "You winced." Stiles says, "I have a bad elbow." Liv says, "It was your shoulder." Stiles says, "Pain radiates. It does that." Liv blocks his way and Stiles sighs and says, "You are not going without me. You remember what happened he talked to Valack?" Liv says, "Scott, Kira, and Lydia are going to be there." Stiles says, "Okay. I'm not letting you go, that's final." Liv sighs and says, "Okay. Are you okay going because of what happened last time?" Stiles says, "Yeah, I'm good." Liv looks unsure and nods, "Okay." Later, they arrive at Eichen House and Lydia rings the doorbell. Lydia says, "Hello? Anyone there?" The gate buzzes and it opens. They walk into Eichen House and an orderly says, "Please empty your pockets into the container." Liv only brought her phone, so that's she puts in the container. Then Kira has to take of her belt and Liv feels a little unsafe. Dr. Conrad Fenris says, "I'll remind you that I'm only doing this as a favor to Deaton. And I'm doing it against my better judgment." Stiles says, "Hey, what's the etiquette for talking to this guy? I mean, do you ever look at the other eye?" Dr. Conrad Fenris says, "I wouldn't. In fact, while you're down here, try not to make eye contact with anyone or anything." As their walking Liv notices that Scott and Kira stopped walking. Dr. Conrad Fenris says, "You didn't think you were all going, didn't you?" Scott says, "It's mountain ash, isn't it?" Dr. Conrad Fenris says, "Everywhere, but heavily concentrated down here. Valack's cell is the last one at the end of the hall." Liv looks nervously at Scott and he softly says, "It's okay. We'll be right here." Liv nods and follows after Lydia with Stiles behind her. They make to Valack's cell and he says, "Tell me what you just saw." Stiles says, "Me?" Valack says, "The creature in the previous cell. The Sluagh. The myth is that they can take on the appearance of the lost souls that have become inextricably bound to it. Happen to see any lost souls, Mr. Stilinski?" Stiles says, "Everyone down here." Valack says, "Don't give up on us yet. We're all works-in-progress." Liv says, "Where did you hear that from?" Valack says, "Wise words from a former cellmate. Did you bring the book? Very nice. First edition. Of course, there was only one printed." Lydia says, "There is no T.R. McCammon, is there?" Valack says, "No." Liv says, "You wrote the book." Valack says, "That's right, Alivia. Maybe you've already guessed that it's not just a book." Lydia says, "What is it?" Valack says, "A tool. Designed to open your eyes." Stiles says, "Too what?" Valack says, "Too them. The Dread Doctors." Liv says, "Why did you use a pseudonym?" Valack says, "I had a professional reputation once. I wasn't interested in ruining it by putting my name on a second-rate piece of trash." Stiles says, "Then why write the book in the first place?" Valack says, "You haven't read it yet, have you? I wrote it because no one believed me. Because no one listened. They're here, aren't they? In Beacon Hills." Lydia says, "What are they?" Valack says, "Not entirely human. At least, not anymore. They were scientists once. Scientists who worshipped the supernatural. Tesla said, "If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration." They found their secrets in electromagnetic forces. Ways to prolong their lives, give them power, and most importantly, making you forget you ever saw them." Liv says, "What do they want?" Valack says, "Good question, Alivia. Everybody wants something, don't they?" Stiles says, "Okay, so what do you want?" Valack gives them a recorder and says, "Hit record." Lydia says, "What do you want me to say?" Valack says, "I don't want you to say anything. I want you to scream." Meanwhile with Scott and Kira, Scott says, "I can't hear anything. Must be the mountain ash." Kira says, "I feel it too. To be honest, I feel a little weak." Scott says, "Yeah, it's like being sedated." Kira says, "This was a bad idea, wasn't it?" Scott says, "They'll be okay without us. And those three... especially Stiles and Lydia. They're pretty good together." Kira says, "Yeah, they are." Scott says, "Even though Liv can hold her own without any weapons or having her unknown strength. They don't need no super strength or samurai swords, but they stay alive." Kira says, "He still likes her, doesn't he?" Scott says, "Yeah. Yeah, but it's different now. I mean, you should've seen the way he used to be around her." Kira says, "Was it bad?" Scott says, "He was kind of obsessive, but not all bad. You know, Lydia used to pretend not to be smart." Kira asks in disbelief, "Our Lydia?" Scott says, "Yeah, Stiles and Liv were the only who knew." Kira says, "How?" Scott softly smiles and says, "They paid attention. They listened to her." Back with Liv, Stiles, and Lydia. Stiles takes the recorder out of Lydia's hands and says, "No way. Not happening. Sorry." Lydia whispers, "He's the only one that knows anything." Stiles whispers, "The guy is a nut-job who drilled a hole into his head. He's probably lying his ass off." Valack says, "How many have died so far? All of them teenagers. Am I right? Want to know how many died the first time they came here? Wonder how many will die if they succeed?" The lights flicker and Liv says, "This did happen before." Valack says, "And now they're back. All because of a few teenagers, who never even considered the consequences,  decided to reignite a supernatural force they barely understand." Lydia says, "The Nemeton." Stiles says, "How do you even know about that?" Valack says, "I know because I saw it." Then he takes of his bandage over his eye and it looks right at them. The lights flicker again and Valack says, "Who did you come with?" Liv says, "Our friends." Valack says, "What are they?" Stiles says, "Don't answer." Valack says, "You brought a Kitsune." Then the light shatters and Lydia says, "What's happening?" Valack says, "She's disrupting the building's defenses." Liv says, "What do you mean? How?" Valack says, "It's not just the mountain ash that keeps this building secure. It's the electromagnetic energy. Eichen is built on the convergence of Telluric currents. Ley lines. It's what allows it to keep certain supernatural creatures in. And certain others out. They knew you were coming. They're here. And you unlocked the door for them. Hit record. Do it now. It costs you nothing." Stiles says, "But it's worth something to you, you're not getting it for free." Lydia says, "What does the book do?" Stiles says, "Tell us." Valack says, "I told you. It opens your eyes." Liv says, "How?" Valack says, "It triggers the memory centers of the brain, clearing the fog and bringing the images of the Dread Doctors into focus. I wrote the book in an effort to find out if anyone else like me had ever seen them before. I thought I could circulate it, an effort to trigger someone... anyone else's memory. They'd see the cover, a hint of memory... They picked up the book, read it. The suppressed memory surface, and they'd find their way to me to discover more. Just like you did." Stiles says, "Did it work with anyone else?" Valack says, "You didn't see it on The New York Times Best Seller list, did you?" Lydia says, "So all we have to do is read the book?" Valack says, "If you've seen them, if they've done something to you, then the book will help you remember. Now give me what I want." Lydia then screams into the recorder and Liv says, "Tell us what they want." Stiles says, "Liv, I think we need to get out of here." Lydia says, "What are they trying to do?" Valack says, "Read the book. Anyone who's come into contact with them." Stiles grabs Liv's arm and says, "Liv, Lydia, we have to go. Now." They leave and Valack yells, "Read the book!" They run away and and hide from The Dread Doctors. Lydia whispers, "I think we're okay. Stiles? Liv?" Liv softly says, "No, it's not okay. All of this, it's on us. Everything that's happened, everything that's going to happen. It's our fault." Stiles says, "It's our responsibility." 

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