Chapter 14: The Sword And The Spirit

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Liv, Stiles, and Scott go to the hospital

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Liv, Stiles, and Scott go to the hospital. They come out the elevator and Liv and Stiles see their dad. Stiles says, "Who found them?" Their dad says, "Argent. And he said that the Doctors were down there. He also said you guys might know what this thing is." Liv says, "We've got a theory." Stiles says, "It's a slightly terrifying theory." Their dad says, "Well, the ME said that victims were killed somewhere else and then dumped in those tunnels." Scott says, "Hey, what if the Dread Doctors are hiding the bodies." Their dad says, "Why would they do that?" Stiles says, "Maybe they're covering for it. Protecting it like a parent would." Their dad says, "Protecting what?" Liv says, "A werewolf. It's called the Beast." Stiles says, "We know. Horrifying." Their dad says, "We better figure out what we're gonna call Parrish. Because it looks like his dream is coming true."

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The next day, Liv's at her locker when Malia comes up to her and says, "I need you to tell Scott something for me

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The next day, Liv's at her locker when Malia comes up to her and says, "I need you to tell Scott something for me." Liv says, "Okay. Why?" Malia says, "Because I can't right now. You gonna do it or not?" Liv says, "Okay, what it is?" Malia says, "Just tell him he was right about the tunnel. Just tell him that, okay?" Liv says, "What do you mean?" Malia says, "When we were down there looking for you and Liam, we didn't know it yet, but we were a lot closer than we thought. There's an Operating Theater down there. Down in the tunnels." Liv says, "How do you know?" Malia says, "Mostly by scent. Just tell him, okay? Tell Scott he was right." Liv nods and says, "Malia, whatever your about to do. Please be careful." Malia gives a soft smiles and nods. Later, Liv's down in the tunnels with Liam and he says, "What are we looking for?" Liv says, "Some kind of opening in the wall." Liam sighs and says, "We're lost." Liv says, "No, we're not." Liam says, "Yeah, we are. We're going in circles. Are you even sure it's really down here?" Liv says, "Malia said that Scott was right and she feels pretty confident about it, so it must be down here." Liv and Liam both see Scott and he says, "You guys lost?" As Liv opens her mouth, Liam gives her a look and says, "Yes." Liv sighs and says, "How did you know we we're down here?" Scott says, "I followed you." Liam says, "Why are you following us?" Scott says, "Why are you guys down here?" Liv says, "Malia said you were right about the tunnels and she said there is an Operating Theatre down here and I wanted to find it for myself and I brought Liam, because I didn't wanna be alone. Malia said that the scent was the same." Scott says, "Uh, there's a turn you guys keep passing. It's easy to miss." Liam says, "How many times did you watch us pass it?" Scott says, "Five." Liam gives Liv a look and Liv says, "Okay, your right. We we're going in circles." Scott shakes his head with a smile at them. Scott says, "Come on. Let's see if we can find it together." As their walking the tunnels, Scott says, "Do you guys feel that?" Liam says, "Like something's vibrating." Scott says, "I can't tell where it's coming from." Liv says, "It's coming from everywhere." Liam sighs and says, "I was just trying to do something right." Scott says, "You do a lot right." Liam says, "yeah, but I did one thing really wrong." Scott nods his head over at Liv and says, "Liv's alive. Everything before that doesn't matter." Liam says, "It should. I feel like I had to do more than just say sorry." Scott says, "Actually, you still haven't done that." Liam says, "Back at my old school... at Devenford, I got into a fight with this kid. I knocked two of his teeth out. They made me write a letter of apology. We both knew it meant nothing. We both knew sooner or later we we're gonna get into another fight. I can't just say I'm sorry. I feel like I have to do something. Like maybe, somehow I have to save your life." Scott says, "Don't worry. I'm pretty sure you'll get a chance." Liam scoffs and says, "Well, not down here. We've been walking around for hours and all we've been able to find is some stupid snake sculpture on the wall." Liv and Scott both look at the snake and realize that's the opening. Liv walks towards it and Liam says, "You think it's important?" Liv says, "I'd say so." Liv turns it and they find a door and open it to find Argent. Scott says, "You didn't." Argent says, "I had to." The Gerard walks forward and Liv growls. Gerard says, "Hello, Scott, Liv." Scott glows his eyes and Gerard says, " I haven't seen that color on either of you. It suits you both." Liam says, "Who's the old guy?" Gerard chuckles and says, "Uh, at the moment, uh, they would call me a necessary evil. But you can call me Gerard." Liv says, "What we're you thinking?" Argent says, "That we need him." Gerard says, "He's right. If you want to catch a werewolf like the Beast of Gevaudan, you're going to need more than one Argent." Argent says, "He knows all the stories. All the folklore. Everything written and everything passed down." Scott says, "You sure about this?" Argent says, "Take a look." They follow him and see two beasts on the wall fighting. Argent says, "The one on the right is the Beast of Gevaudan. Do you know what the other one is?" Liv says, "A Hellhound." Scott and Liam both look at Liv confused and Gerard says, "That's right. It's the guardian of supernatural places. They're both creatures of the night. But you may know them as ordinary people during the day." Argent says, "And most likely neither of them know what they are. What is it?" Scott says, "We found a message in Latin... Damnatio Memoriae." Gerard says, "They want it to remember itself." Argent says, "That might give us time." Liam says, "Time for what?" Argent says, "To prevent this." Argent then starts kicking the wall and they see dead bodies underneath the beasts." Liam says, "Who are they?" Liv softly says, "Us. It's all of us." Later, they go to the animal clinic to find Deaton okay. Then the pack meets up at Scott's and Scott says, "Now we get Lydia."

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