Chapter 11: The Last Chimera

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After Theo resurrected Liv, she went home to shower and rinse the blood and mercury off her body

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After Theo resurrected Liv, she went home to shower and rinse the blood and mercury off her body. Liv tries to find her phone, but she can't so she gets into her car and drives to the hospital. When Liv gets there, she walks up to the desk and the receptionist looks up and says, "Hi, how may I help you?" Liv says, "I need to speak with Melissa McCall." The woman says, "Okay, what's your name?" Liv sighs and says, "Alivia Stilinski." While Liv, is waiting Melissa is with Stiles and hears her name on the speakers, "Melissa McCall, you are needed by an Alivia Stilinski." Stiles watch's Melissa's face go pale and Stiles says, "Hey, what's wrong?" Melissa says, "I wasn't gonna tell you this until later, but Liv was dead and now how's it that she's alive." Stiles says, "I don't know, but let's go find out." They both walk to the lobby and see Liv alive and healthy looking. Liv looks their way and Melissa gasps, "Liv?" Liv softly smiles and says, "Yeah, it's really me." Melissa rushes to hug Liv and Liv hugs her back. Melissa cries, "How are you alive?" Liv says, "Theo. He resurrected me, Corey, Tracy, and Josh. He said we're apart of his pack." Stiles rolls his eyes and says, "Yeah, well he did something to dad. He's hurt pretty badly." Stiles then gives his sister a hug and says, "I'm glad your alive." Liv smiles and says, "Me too." Melissa and Stiles both take Liv to where they're dad is. Liv and Stiles go sit and wait for any updates on their dad. Melissa walks over to them and she says, "He's okay. Dr. Geyer is stitching him up right now." Liv says, "Okay. When can see him?" Melissa says, "The anesthesia needs to wear off. It's gonna be at least two hours." Stiles says, "Okay, yeah, but everything's gonna be okay though, I mean, he's okay?" Melissa softly smiles and says, "Mmm. He's gonna be just fine." Stiles shakily says, "Oh, thank god." Liv rests her head on Stiles shoulder and he rests his head on her head. Later, Stiles and Liv are angry and he says, "What do you mean you don't know? Two hours ago, he was fine. Now it looks like somebody took a baseball bat to his neck." Dr. Geyer says, "There could've been some minor internal." Liv says, "Did you say, "Minor internal?" Since when is anything internal minor? We need to know what's going on with him, okay? Dr. Geyer, somebody need to tell us what's happening." Stiles yells, "Somebody needs to tell us what's happening to him!" Melissa says, "We don't know." Stiles then leaves to go tackle Scott. Liv goes to pull Stiles off of Scott. Scott says, "Your dad's not the only one who got hurt." Stiles says, "Oh, you'll heal." Liv looks at Scott's blood stain with worry. Scott says, "I'm not talking about me." They find out Lydia has been emitted in the hospital. Later, everyone's in a room and Parrish says, "It could be a side effect of shock." Stiles says, "She's catatonic. It was Theo digging his way through her mind." Melissa says, "Why would he do that? What is he looking for?" Scott says, "The same thing he's always looking for. An advantage." Parrish says, "So what did he gain by trying to kill Stilinski?" Scott says, "It left me alone with Liam. Theo wanted to make sure no one would be there to stop him from killing me." Liv looks at Scott and says, "Okay, so he gutted our dad as a distraction." Parrish says, "We need to find this kid." Melissa says, "Isn't that a little dangerous? Especially since he almost killed my kid?" Stiles says, "Yeah, but he said he didn't want our dad to die." Parrish says, "And you believed him?" Stiles says, "He told me where to find him. So, maybe he also knows how to save him." Liv says, "What do you want to do? Talk to him?" Stiles looks at Liv and says, "If it saves dad, then yeah." Scott says, "I'll come with you. He doesn't know I'm alive. Maybe that gives us an advantage." Stiles says, "He'll know you're there. I just need to talk to him. Not fight him." Liv says, "Stiles, you can't go alone." Parrish says, "Does anyone even know how to find him?" Stiles says, "We don't have to find him. He'll come to me." Liv wants to call Liam, but she's afraid he'll freak out if she's alive. Liv thinks plus how can she call him, if she doesn't have her phone. Later, Liv and Stiles wait by their dad's bed waiting for him to wake up. Liv and Stiles wake up to see their dad awake and he says, "It's okay, Stiles, Liv. You both still got me." Liv softly smiles and holds his hand. 

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