🍒Birthal meltdowns🌿

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It's midnight  and Dream went into labor.. tight now we're in the waiting room with asper.. soon a doctor came out.. calling out names we went in asper close behind.

It was a little boy.. he had a fox tail.. and wings and horns.. but also fox ears? He was dirty blond and blond haired with raven stricks.. his eyes are brown. 'Why does he have horns?' I questioned.

'Well you see..' Dream muttered showing a delta dragon looking thing..

'You hid that from us that damn long?' Punz hissed.

'I.. thought- look i.. look I'm embressed of it? I was trying to run from it.. I didn't want to admint it'Dream said nevorously.

'Cub it's alright.. I understand.. that was me when I was dealing with it at first' Fundy said softly.

Punz wasent happy? 'Punz hallway now' I hissed.

I take him out into the hallway 'what the fuck why do you seemed pissed?' I questioned.

'Well I am.. I don't like how he hid it from  us.. and we find out after our second child' Punz muttered.

'He was embarrassed Punz I know for a fact your hidding sometime to' I spat.

'I get that.. and no I'm fucking not' Punz arugged.

'Right, you can be in the realship  and in your damn sons life or miss him growing up I'm not gonna let you make Dream fell like shit' I hissed.

He froze 'you can't fucking kick me out of the relationship' He arugged.

'Wanna bet I cant?' I hissed.

Fundy walked out 'stop fighting now Aspers having a damn breakdown  and so is Dream' He snarled 'and Sapnap you can't kick him out'.

Both me and Punz froze looking to Fundy before he went back in you could hear cries of a young fox pup... I pulled the stupid  blond down by his callor  'you are an idoit' I hissed 'Well contuie  this later'.

I stormed in to help with my daughter and fucking wife.. Fundy  is hugging Asper.. Dreams holding our son just crying. 'Hey baby it's okay he's  bueaiful  just like his mama' I say softly  playing with his hair softly.

He thinks Punz is gonna leave him? I can't really say he won't... Punz does stupid shit when he's pissed.

Soon the blond came in.. he walked over to Dream 'Darling I'm not leaveing you alright? I was just a little  supised.. and kinda abit mad you didn't tell us sooner' Punz said softly.

That's a first, he never amints his damn fellings. 'Sapnap take your son' Dream muttered.

I take our son for his mother. His tail wagged.. I went over to Fundy and Asper.. 'Asper were not gonna separate..okay? Me and your other dad were just arugging' I say softly.

She looked up from Fundys chest.. giving me a soft smile. Crawling out from his arms.. I passed Fundy his son. I just let her hug me.. our other husband and wife are whimpering back a fourth. 'What is our sons name pretty boy' Punz questioned.

'Echo' Dream said quietly.

🍒Welcome baby echo🌿

𝕮𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖗𝖞𝖕𝖎𝖈𝖐𝖎𝖓𝖌 - Fundy X PreamanapWhere stories live. Discover now