I am bored!

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(Chase POV)

I am fucking bored out of my mind. A science lecture in the middle of a pandemic drags out longer than two hours. I text on my phone while Professor Timble babbles about planets and rocks.

"Mr. Conners!" I jerked my head up to look at him.

"Yes?" I said to the big head professor. He tapped the board.

"What is the density of Venus?" I could not give the right answer so, I am just gonna guess.

"The density is 1." The entire class erupted into laughter. Professor Timble shakes his head from the front of the room.

"Class! What is the density of Venus?" He asked allowing one union response from the class."5.24 g/cm^3" The question was answered making me the class clown. Professor Timble fixed his glasses.

"Stay off your phone Mr. Conners, if you want to pass my class." He said returning to the lecture. I put my phone away and adjusted my mask. I am glad no one can see the frown on my face. The four long hours ticked by slowly and when class was over, everyone ran out of the room. I stood up with my book bag over my shoulder.

"Mr. Conners, I need to talk to you!" Professor Timble shouted. I huffed walking to his desk in the brightly lit room.

"What?" I spat. The annoying Physics teacher sat down.

"You are failing my class. If you want to graduate, please, get a tutor. This is the senior year for you." He adjusted his glasses and picked up his bag.

"Well, if your lectures weren't so boring, I wouldn't be failing your class," I responded. He got up from the squeaky chair and looked me in the eyes.

"I do not know what is going on with you. I suggest you sort it out and let people help you." he walked past me with those words ringing around me. I took the other exit to feel the freezing rain. The November weather is exactly like my mood. Cold and sad to ruin everyone's day even if, there is no reason to. I walked back to my dorm hugging my green coat around me.

I wish my dorm was not located near the woods. I decided to take a shorter path that would cut the time by half. I was walking across the old wooden bridge that is 60 feet in the air over a creek. I was halfway across the bridge when a strong wind pushed me backward. I tried to hold on to the rails with slippery hands. I heard a cracking noise in front of me. The wooden planks were cracking one by one. If I made one small move.... I let out one last breath before the entire bridge collapsed into the cold emptiness of... water and darkness.

Harry Potter And The New DestinyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora