Diagon Alley

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(Chase Pov)

Hagrid uses a magical umbrella to fly us into a nearby city. We decided to take the subway to get to Diagon alley for my school supplies. I sit across from him in the hard orange seat. The list of school supplies is long. I read out loud some materials from the letter.

"One wand"

"One pointed hat"

"Three sets of black robes"

"One set of dragonskin boots"

I sit back in the seat. I hope that I can find everything in Diagon Alley. Even though, I am Harry for now. I wonder if my wand will be different?

"Hagrid, will you accompany me to the train station?" I asked the big man. Hagrid's appearance filled two seats on the train.

"Of course, Harry. It is your first year at Hogwarts." he rubbed the big pot belly in thought.

"I want some ice cream. Harry, do you love ice cream?" He leaned toward me.

"Yes, chocolate is my favorite," I said to him. I should get something to eat other than sweets from Diagon alley.

The loudspeaker mentioned a stop that made Hagrid leap up.

"Come on, Harry, we got some shopping to do." Hagrid grabbed my arm to pull me through the double doors of the train. We hurry up a set of stairs to get to the outside. The early morning was evident from the selling of newspapers and strong-smelling coffee. I stayed close to Hagrid in the process of moving around a lot of people. A man in a sharp business suit bumped into Hagrid.

"Watch it, you fucking wanker." he spat at Hagrid.

"No, you watch it." Hagrid became a little heated.

"Whatever." The man left in a hurry to go down the subway steps. Hagrid held me closer to him. I heard him mumbling a few words over the roar of the city.

"Muggles, get on my damn nerves." I laughed a little at his words when we reached a phone booth. The booth is hidden in the shadows from passerby's. Cherry and black colors decorated the exterior. The phone itself was gold.

"Now, Harry, this is a special phone that will teleport us to Knock Turn Alley which is the bottom part of Diagon Alley." Hagrid opens the phone booth for me. I hesitated to go into the booth.

"Harry, you will be fine. I will be right behind you." he smiled for encouragement at me. I puffed up my chest to get ready for my first teleportation. I enter the phone booth that was a tight fit. There is not enough room for us to go together. I turn around to the bubbly man for further instructions. He kept looking behind his shoulder.

"Put the phone to your ear and say Nox with meaning." he urgently closed the door and put his back against the door. I guess he is my lookout for Muggles. I took the gold phone off the hook, there was no dial tone. Come on Chase, say it with meaning. You can do it!

"Nox!" I shouted into the phone that transported me through a blur of images to knock turn alley. I appeared in another narrow phone booth. The door had no handle. It is charred black and sealed shut. I put a hand on the door that made it fly open. The scene in my eyes reminds me of a pub just with creepy wizards and witches. I walked out of the booth to the bar. A humpback man approached me with balding hair.

"You are too young for this place. Where are your parents?" he asked me. I open my mouth to come up with a lie.

"My uncle is coming. He will be here soon." The man tapped a dirty glass to make it disappear. Wow, that was cool. I hope that I can do wandless magic.

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