A brief trio union

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(Chase's POV)

Hagrid is eating his fifth meat pie in happiness as crumbs fall into the big beard. I only ate one pie to fill the rest of my belly with butterbeer. I let Crimson out of her cage to feed the buttery crumbs to the black beak adoring the red feathers.

"Hagrid, I appreciate you coming to get me. I had a feeling that I was different but I just brushed it off." I rubbed Crimson's back as Hagrid turn his attention to me.

"It is no problem, if those muggles are still giving you trouble, let me know." He swallowed the rest of his drink to let out a big belch that frightened the family next to us. I tried to contain my laughter from the horrid looks on their faces. Hagrid pats his stomach in contentment.

"I can not believe tomorrow is the first day for you at Hogwarts." My eyes grew huge at this new revelation. Did I miss the date? I thought school was gonna start next week, not tomorrow.

"You got to be shitting me," I said unknowingly out loud making Hagrid kick the table.

"Lad, watch your mouth!" I put a hand over my mouth in embarrassment. I did not mean to announce that to the public.

"I am sorry, I was just surprised about school starting tomorrow. I misread the date." Hagrid reaches across the table to pat my head.

"There, there Harry. You will be fine, I bet plenty of friends will be made in your house." I bit my lip as Hagrid retracted his big hand from my head.

"Which house would I be in? I do not know much about them." Hagrid digs back into his meat pie in greed.

"Depends on where the hat puts you. I think any house would be grateful to have a wizard such as you." Hagrid said smiling from droplets of food falling out of his mouth.

Crimson walked up to Hagrid to eat a few crumbs from the jolly man's beard. Hagrid laughed the entire time from an owl digging through the big beard. I open the cage to usher her back inside but she gave me an evil look.

"Thank you Hagrid, I hope that I can become a good wizard," I said smiling at him. Through laughter, Hagrid manages to get out a few words.

"Harry, agree, will." I finally was able to get Crimson back in the cage by taking a croissant from the next table to put in the cage. She saw my motions which made the red bird leave Hagrid's beard. She nibbled happily on the small croissant.

"Happy bird." Hagrid stood up to bump his head into the overhead chandelier. I chuckled a little.

"Ready to see the room for the night, Lad." I looked up at the big man with only a nod. He stood up to lead me up a creaky set of wooden stairs that had a floor of six rooms. I am pulled to a door that has peeling brown paint. Hagrid coughs taking out a bunch of keys from the long black coat. He put a key in the lock to open the door.

"Okay, not that one." He tried another key to open the door.

"Nope, not that one." I look down the hall to find the hall extending into more rooms on both sides.

"Finally! I got it!" Hagrid pushed the door open to unveil a room filled with my school items such as trunks and books. The small window showed the sun setting over a bunk bed and a small desk in the corner.

"Harry, it will be getting dark soon, I think it's best to get ready for tomorrow. I am gonna knock at 7 sharp tomorrow morning. Good night lad." I gave Hagrid a big hug that took him by surprise.

"Thank you for everything," I said rubbing my face on his big belly, he rubbed a hand on my head in adoration.

"Now, I am going to check in, those meat pies got me closer to Merlin," He said breaking the hug.

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