Zoo trip from hell

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(Chase POV)

I decided to play along for now. I do not know if I have magic. I honestly hope this is all a dream. I followed three steps behind the family into the city zoo. The place was packed with little kids running around to look through every glass box. We finally approached a big male snake coiled around a branch. Dudley repeatedly slapped the glass.

"Wake up! It's my birthday!" he said believing that everything is his to control. Vernon stood beside him.

"Come on!" he knocked a big hand on the glass as he held his son in the other. I am getting irritated by them.

"He does not want to be bothered," I said simply.

The pair turned and scoffed at my words.

"The snake is boring! I want to see the tigers!" he pulled his father to the next box over with twin tigers. I was about to follow behind them.

"Quiettttt attttttt lasttttttttt." I heard it next to me. There was no one there but... I turned to the snake. Harry could talk to snakes which I remember from the films. Do I have this talent? I leaned closer to the glass.

"Hi, I am sorry about them. You can relax in peace." the snake opened its pitch black eyes.  Green skin twisted on the branch to get closer to me.

"Youuuuuu areeeeeee aaaaaa speakerrrrrrrrr." I looked around me to make sure people do not think I am crazy.

"I guess," I said to the snake. Dudley pushed me out the way.

"Daddy! the snake is moving!" I am boiled in anger from these circumstances and this lard ass boy. The glass shattered all around us making Dudley fly backward. The snake recoiled from the branch to slither on the cold pavement. It turned to me before embarking on its path of terror.

"Thankkkkkkkk youuuuuuu." the snake bowed and slithered away. There were screams all around me. I turned to Dudley who is crying with a few scratches on his face. I laughed a little. Serves him right. Vernon walked to me with a sneer.

"Up!" he commanded as we all rushed to the car.


The agonizing ride to the hospital almost made my head explode. Dudley was crying non-stop as Petunia coddle him in the backseat. I sat in the passenger seat with a frantic Vernon speeding through red lights. The arrival at the hospital left me in a hot car and the trio inside the building for an hour. I almost passed out from the heat. Vernon locked me in the car on purpose! I gave him the devil eyes on the drive back to Surrey.

Dudley was licking a red lollipop in earnest with two tan band-aids on his face. Petunia was stroking her bony hands through Dudley's hair. I could not wait to get out of this small car. The house shutters and small yard hit my vision in an almost dreadful way. Dudley jumped out of the car waiting by the front door. I was following behind Petunia when Vernon grabbed my arm.

"You two! go on!" he gave Petunia the house keys as I wipe the summer sweat off my face. The grip on my arm will leave a bruise for weeks to come. He looks down at me.

"Boy! You got some explaining to do!" he put a big finger in my face. I almost smacked it away.

"What are you talking about?" I asked playing the dumb fool. I tried to pull away but his grip got tighter.

"You got Dudley hurt and allowed the snake to roam free," he stated turning red by the minute.

"No, I did not," I said trying to free my arm again.

He dragged me into the house and threw me into the cupboard. I hit my head against the wall. His entire figure blocked the light from entering the space.

"You won't have no food or water for a week! Keep playing games with me, freak." he slammed the small door to lock me away with a key. I tried to open the door but it would not budge. I can not breathe. I can barely see. I am a prisoner in an 11-year-old's body.

How will I get through this?

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