Isolated from my destiny

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(Chase POV)

The next few days went on as usual. Today, Petunia is cooking breakfast for the Dursley family. I was cutting the grass to keep the front lawn in prime condition. The lawnmower was a little hard to push with my small size. I put all of my focus into not messing up the lawn.

Last time, the lawn was uneven from my quick mowing, Vernon backhanded me across the face. I thought my tooth came out of my mouth. I can not fathom the abuse Harry went through in my world. I am happy that he could be somewhere happy. I continue to mow the lawn.

"Ahhhhh!" I heard inside of the house. I turn off the lawnmower to tiptoe to the living room window.

"Vernon, the letters are inside of the eggs!" I saw Petunia waving a letter in Vernon's face.

"Calm down, my pet. This will pass. The freak boy will continue to stay ignorant to this other world." Vernon rubbed Petunia's arm. The brunette woman just shook her head. Suddenly, a shadow flew past me onto the roof. I took a few steps back to see a dozen owls sitting on the roof.

"Oh Shit," I said. The flap of wings surrounded me as more owls landed on Vernon's car and even flew to the backyard. I smile in glee. This is great!

Vernon and Petunia came outside. Vernon waved his hand at the owls around his car.

"Getaway, shoo, shoo!" Vernon said. Petunia turn around to see the owls on the roof which set her off.

"Oh my god! Vernon!" She pointed to the roof. Vernon's face became priceless from the outside decoration of owls. I laughed so hard.

"That's it! We are leaving! We are going somewhere isolated!" Vernon pulled me inside of the house and threw me into the cage. I put my ear against the door.

"Get Dudley from his play date. I will get things settled at work." I heard Vernon say.

"How long will we be gone?" Petunia asked defeated.

"For a long time," Vernon spat. He kicked the cage door as he walked away. I did not care. I was just happy to meet Hagrid soon to get away from the evil relatives. I hope when we leave owls flood the house with my Hogwarts letter to give me one last laugh. I waited until Dudley came back from his playdate.

It was an hour or so when Vernon pulled me by the neck to the front door. I was still in my sweaty day clothes. Petunia and Dursley came down the stairs dress warmly. Their suitcases were thrown at my feet. I put two under my arms and carried the other two in my hands. Vernon walked out the door. I stuffed behind him the car. He opens the trunk for me to load the suitcases inside of it. I carefully put each one inside. Vernon almost closed the trunk on my hands.

I jumped out of the way in time. He insisted that I sat next to him. He needs to keep a closer eye on me. I enter the passenger side to put the seat belt on me. He started the engine to drive away from the quiet neighborhood of Surrey.

I look out the window, during the entire trip to the ferry. I do not remember boarding the ferry just that I am starving. The big boat dock at an unknown port. We transfer to a small boat that leads us to the small isolated island in the middle of the water. I had to carry all of their luggage inside of the small house. The floor was dirty, black, and weak. I just want to collapse in a corner.

"Dudley, you will stay down here. On the couch." Petunia kissed his head. She looked at me in disgust.

"The floor for you." She waved her pale arm that picked up her luggage bag. Vernon carried his bags upstairs. He points a plum finger in my face.

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