The first day of class (part 1)

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(Chase POV)

A blinding light shined in my eyes as I slowly opened them. Through the blurry sight, I looked around to see any movement from my roommates. Are they all still asleep? I thought to myself as I put on my glasses. My heart began to pound from the empty beds and Crimson began to chirp in her cage. The midnight beak pointed down to textbooks on my nightstand.

"Shit!" I shouted as I flung the covers to run to the bathroom. In a hurry, I did a quick wash and then got into my shoes and robes. I fed Crimson a butter cracker then grabbed my books to go to the first class. I quickly glance at the schedule to see that it is with Professor Snape, which made me groan even more as I ran further into the dungeons. I open the doors to potions to see a thousand eyeballs staring at me. My breathing was intense and I could hear my heart beating in my ears.

"You are late!" I heard from the front of the class. A long slender back covered in black met my eyes. I watch the pale hand keep writing on the board. I wiped the sweat from my face and then stood up to my full height.

"Sorry, I woke up late," I said out loud which made the whole class laugh. I heard a slam which made everyone in the room go quiet. Professor Snape turn around to me in annoyance as he wiped the chalk off his hands.

"For being late and cheeky is a two-hour detention this Friday. Now, go find a seat." I looked around the room for an empty seat which is right next to Ron. I quickly walk to the seat and could see even more of the distaste on Ron's face. It is not my fault that I was put in Slytherin. I just focused on Professor Snape's lesson for the rest of the period. It was the most agonizing 30 minutes of my life. I took a lot of notes and could see Professor Snape sneering at me. When class was dismissed, I turned to Ron who began closing his books and in his hurry, a book hit my foot.

"Oww!" I shouted from the impact. Ron bent down to pick up the book and I put my shoe on it.

"Are you going to apologize?" I asked him. He looked up at me with a tight jaw and squinting eyes then ripped the book from under my foot. I was a little shocked at his behavior and I just kept staring at him. He grabbed the rest of his books to tie them together.

"There is no need to be an asshole to me. I am still the same person even if I am in a different house." With those lines, Ron kept ignoring me and then left the room. I closed the writing book and opened it to detailed notes.

"Potter! A word before you leave." I stood up to gather my books then walk over to his desk.

"Yes?" I asked in a bad mood. He finished erasing the blackboard and turn to me.

"I was not expecting a Potter to be in the house of Slytherin but it should not hurt to be on time and not make the house look bad." I rolled my eyes at him and began to walk away when I heard...

"Four hours of detention on Friday and a six-page essay on the skele gro potion. Good day, Potter." I kept walking out of class to look down at my schedule. I have two more classes than lunch. I left the dungeons to head upstairs for defense against the dark arts. I almost lost my balance as the staircase moved to get to the third floor. Entering the floor just ended in papers flying and books hitting me on the head.

"I am sorry! Are you okay?" I heard a young male voice say as I rubbed my head. I looked up at the person to see a young Neville Longbottom scrambling to pick up his things.

"Besides that hurting like a Mother fucker. I am cool." I picked up my own books and then stood up to watch him keep scrambling around for his stuff. When he gathered them, he stood facing me.

"Uh, I, you are Harry Potter. I am sorry. I am Neville Longbottom." He said smiling a little at me. I nodded my head back at him.

"I have to get to class! It is already bad enough that I am tardy on the first day." I can relate even though my day is going worse.

"Which class are you going to?" He pointed ahead down the long hallway.

"Defense against the dark arts." He said to me. I felt an oncoming headache which made me rub my head.

"I am going there as well. Can you lead the way?" He nodded and then began to walk toward the class. I walk next to him and he kept giving me nervous side glances in silence as our footsteps echo down the hall towards the classroom. I had to break the silence before entering the class.

"So, what is Gryffindor like?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2023 ⏰

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