I am Harry F@%^*#g Potter (part 1)

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(Chase POV)

I woke up to banging and a loud voice.

"Get up boy! You have to make breakfast!" I heard footsteps walk away. I wiped my eyes and sat up. Everything is blurry and on instinct, my hand reached to the side of me to feel thin metal. I used both hands to realize they are glasses and that it is best to put them on my face. I am trapped in a small closet that could barely fit a dog. I only saw a sliver of light from under a small door that highlighted small figurines in the closed space.

I open the door partially when a chubby kid pushed me back into the closet. His loud footsteps carry laughter to the next room. Finally, I got out of the closet to follow the clanking of pans. I saw a woman standing at the stove with a giraffe neck and dark brown hair. She turned to me in disgust.

"Ugh, I almost had to ruin a good manicure to make breakfast because you like to sleep all day." she crossed her arms in front of the stove.

"Well! start cooking! My Dudley needs his energy for the zoo today!" Brown eyes lit up in glee from the mention of "Dudley". The name sounds familiar.

"Who are you?" I asked her. The lady looked at me in confusion. Wait, did I just hear a British accent from my mouth? A new voice?

"Stop playing these games and cook breakfast!" she pulled me to the stove littered with two big frying pans. I jerked away.

"Get off of me! I do not know what is going on! Did you kidnap me? My voice sounds funny!" Her body rattled from head to toe in anger.

"How dare you speak to your aunt like that! You freakish little boy!" I turned to see a heavyset man with a red face. He reminded me of the mean uncle from Harry Potter. There is no way?!?!

"Mirror! I need a fucking mirror!" I screamed to the room.

"Mummy! Harry said a bad word! He should go back to his room!" A plump boy next to the heavyset man wore a school uniform. I walked back from the kitchen.

"No, no, no, no." I ran upstairs to find a bathroom to see my reflection.

"Get back here boy!" I heard downstairs as I closed and locked the bathroom door. I turned on the light to reveal my worst fears. I rubbed my hand through unruly black hair. I touched the famous scar on my forehead. Lastly, intense green eyes stared back at me in the mirror. Thundering footsteps came closer to the door.

"Open this door or else I will beat you red!" the doorknob twisted and I kept staring in the mirror.

The door was banging off its hinges.

"Vernon, I got the spare key." I heard the key slip inside the keyhole and open to the Dursley family. They all were upset, confused, and annoyed.

"You are lucky today is Dudley's birthday or I would..." I looked at my hands and then back at them.

"I am Harry fucking Potter," I said before fainting back into a darkness that could return me to reality.


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