Scenario (page 5)

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Scenario 10:

You see something strange walking around.  You try checking it out to figure out what happened and why.

Scenario 11:

You've received a mysterious letter/message to go to a certain address on a specific day.  You go there to get answers.  Where you meet someone else.  They had gotten the same message.  There have to be some connection between them.  Try to figure them out and find out who sent the message.

Scenario 12:

Thanks to some experiment gone wrong, you are now (however many) years in the past.  All you know is something similar happened before, and now your in the same place as the other person.  You have to find them in order to return home.  All while not effecting the future and avoiding your past selves.

Scenario 13:

You're in a store when a robbery occurs.  Do you find a way to escape, help, stop, or delay the robbery?  Will others help you?

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