Scenario (page 3)

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Scenario 5: (I believe a lot of ocs work here.  Powers are optional, just let me know how you wanna start.)

You thought it might be worth going for a walk.  It was nice out, a relief from the rain the past week.  You cut through the forest, coming across something.  There was someone else here.  They were off tye and trail some way, almost out of sight.  They were leaning against a tree, their eyes closed and their breathing was pretty rough.  You-

Places to go: (This is where you can rp with each other or tell me a scenario you came up with)

The park

Walking the streets

A party (you choose the kind)

The store (again, you choice what kind)

The school (high school or college, your choice)

The forest

The lake

The pier

The boardwalk

A carnival

A concert

The library

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