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Okay here's a few rules:

I allow you to curse, but don't do it too much.  Censor one letter like f*ck or shít

Please have at least two lines in reply.  I don't care if you just add one to say what your oc is wearing.  I will not reply if you're reply is too short or not acceptable.  I'll allow it to happen a few times, but I'll give you a warning each time you break a rule.

Please don't do smut or lemons.  Skip them after it gets to a certain point.  Like them make out and skip to the morning after or something.

Hate to oc not the person.

Don't kill someone else's oc unless they say it's okay/give them a chance to fight back but make sure they're okay with it.  They can choose to accept the attack or deny it.

Ask before joining a roleplay, in progress or not.  Just a simple 'May I?' or asking to join.

Please use 3rd person.

I don't care what you say your oc is, just know it's your choice.

NOBODY IS PERFECT SO I DON'T EXPECT YOUR OC TO BE!  I will not accept your oc if you make them 'perfect'.

You can have up to three roleplays at once, just not three of the same scenario.  One scenario each character.

That doesn't mean you can only have three ocs.  You can have as many as you want, just keep track of them.

If the scenario says you can use powers, it's completely optional.  You can just tell me if you are okay with powers or not.

One power each oc!  Then it's fair.

You're always welcome to make up a scenario.

Use (), [], or {} when you're talking out of the roleplay.

You do not need to ask to tag me in a book for your oc.

Tag me after a few hours.  I work and time zones are a thing so there's a chance I'm working or sleeping.  My notifs tend to mess up, so you can pm or post on my message board if you see in online and haven't replied to you yet.

I know some people like using the ** symbols to roleplay.  I'd prefer if you still used complete sentences.

Oc: *waves* "Hi"
Oc: Hi *waves

Oc: "Hi." They say as they wave.
They wave.  "Hi there."
*They wave.* "Hi."

I'm not going to bug you about grammar or run-on sentences or something dumb like that.  I will try to give you the same length reply you give me.

Form: please try to keep it as one comment

Looks (includes If they have another form; make it a separate line):
What they are typically wearing:
Power (in use only when allowed):
Other (includes ANYTHING else you want people to know about your oc):
Password- favorite pet/animal:

These aren't technically rules.

But please use your oc's name once in a while.  Especially when theres more than one person you are controlling.  I'm human, I will forget names if they are not there enough.

I don't want to control all of the extra characters either!  Both people should control the extra characters, even if it's just someone we never see again: like an old crush or ex.

I am very liberal when it comes to species.  But please!  Don't always put basic ones!
Ex: Cat, Wolf, human

Create subspecies and new ones!  Be creative!  This is your oc, make them what you want them to be!  Just make sure you let me know if their species naturally has an ability.
Ex: Warrior angel
Ability: wings are naturally red and can not be punctured by mundane weapons besides a bullet.

I know you all have had some idea for a creature, this is where you can show everyone else!

Heck!  You don't even have to choose one of my ocs!  Just let me know if you want to roleplay with another person and ask them of course!

That's it for this page, enjoy!

(Open) My OC's And RP BookWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt