"Who is who?"

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Tell me if you get too confused and I will do my best to clear things up. I have trouble keeping them straight sometimes as well.

Their birthday is June 17th

Name: Ace Grey

Age: 19/20

Gender: male


Species: human

Looks: silver eyes

Background: Ace and Sam were quite a surprise for their parents

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Background: Ace and Sam were quite a surprise for their parents. Even more so when they were found to be nearly identical twins. (Nearly because Sam doesn't have a same blue/grey ends to his hair Ace does.) Their parents always tried treating them equally. That didn't work. Ace was loved more by their mother and Sam by their father. Ace excelled in school and Sam... Not so much. He was better at sports. But they both love messing with people.

What they are typically wearing: more professional clothing unless he's relaxing or messing with someone by pretending to be Sam.

Likes: reading, his classes, his brother, soccer (he sucks at it tho), messing with people, playing the occasional prank, kids

Dislikes: most sports, when either of them get into trouble, when he gets blamed for something Sam does, when someone that likes Sam thinks that's who he is

Sexuality: straight

Personality: Ace is the more responsible of the twins. He does mess around from time to time but it's always with good intentions. He does not like being pranked when it involves stuff from his office. It stresses him out and he will not be in a good mood if that happens (He also won't sleep if he's too stressed, something Sam does NOT like him doing). So, if he's in a bad mood: assume Sam did something to his paperwork again.

Kids/husband/wife(bf/gf): none

Crush: open

Power: reading people (emotions mostly)

Other: Ace wears a silver chain link bracelet all the time. It's just one of the ways to tell them apart, along with Sam wearing a choker most of the time. The bracelet is the last thing Ace got from their mother.

Has had 2 toxic relationships in the past.



Name: Sam Grey

Age: 19/20

Gender: make


Species: human

Looks: silver eyes

Background: same as Ace's

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Background: same as Ace's

What they are typically wearing: relaxed/casual clothes, something you might see a guy wear in the gym

Likes: most sports, messing with people, screwing with his brother's plans, rain, the beach, music, kids

Dislikes: math, football, when his pranks are taken too literally, when Ace gets too stressed

Sexuality: gay

Personality: Sam is the more fun-loving twin. He does know when to lay off on messing with people most of the time. He does like pretending to be Ace, but doesn't usually get away with it. Sam is a bit more on the flirty side than Ace but not by much. He definitely does not like when Ace gets stressed out, becuase he won't sleep. If Ace is stressed out, Sam will be more on edge.

(It's a twin thing. Some twins sneeze at the same time or have twin telepathy. These two feel each other's emotions. If Ace is stressed, Sam is nervous and vise versa.)

(Feelings like stress, nerves, pain, anger, fear and embarrassment go hand in hand with these two.)

Kids/husband/wife(bf/gf): none

Crush: open

Power: he's quick on his feet

Other: Sam always wears a black choker. That's why he doesn't always pass for Ace, and the fact he will not buy a silver chain bracelet. The choker is the last thing Sam got from their mother.

Has had one previous relationship.  He was killed due to a case the twins worked on.


Scenario A: (Mostly Sam but either one really)

You were in the store, picking up a few things. You just couldn't find (whatever item you want) and decided to ask someone. You find a guy with kind of purple colored hair. As soon as he sees you, he smiles. "How can I help you?" He asks. After he helps you find the last item you needed, you go to check out... Only to find someone who looked strikingly similar to him checking you out. You-

Scenario B: (Mostly Ace)

You were by the park when you see someone walking by. He doesn't look like he's having a good day, and he drops everything he has. You go to help him pick his stuff up. "Thank you." He says gratefully. You-

Scenario C: (either one, if it'd be alright: I wanted to have a police-themed one)

You had moved to/been hired to a Police Department.  You were supposed to meet your partner (you won't know there's two yet, welcome to choose the twin you've met).  You had, though you weren't really sure what his name exactly was.  He seemed nice enough.

One day, you two had gotten into a shootout with some bank robbers.  Your partner had been hit in the leg, and told to take time off to recover.  Though, to your surprise, he seemed to come back into work the next day!  You-

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