Soulmate AUs

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These are soulmate AUs.  You're welcome to come up with any kind of scenario.

You're also welcome to suggest any ideas you have as well.

Also know you don't have to use my ocs here, though I'd welcome it.  Pick out one and we can figure the rest out as we go.

Some can be mixed and matched if you want as well.

In this world, you don't see the color of your soulmate's eyes.

You're first words to your soulmate appear on your wrist a week after meeting them.

If you make a mark on your body, it appears on your soulmate's body in the same place.

Everyone sees in black and white until you meet your soulmate.  If you touch, there's a flash of color.  To see in color, you and your soulmate have to kiss.  But jt can't be fake, as in you both have to feel the same.

You just learned that on (whatever date you want) everyone will wake up with a new color in their hair.  Your soulmate will have tge exact same shade.

You see your soulmate's dreams/nightmares.

You can write your soulmate a message once a week.  But you can not write your name or anything that would tell them who you are.  Like asking questions or a scavenger hunt.

You receive anything your soulmate looses and they get anything you loose.

If you and your soulmate have different eye colors, you see that color more often.  If your soulmate has two different eye colors, you will see both colors more often.

You can tell when your soulmate is hurt, and can send them a message on what to do to help.

You feel everything your soulmate does.

You can send and receive money from your soulmate.

Soulmates are each other's protectors.  They can find each other if the other is in danger.

You share a kind of mental link with them but no words can pass through, only feelings.

15. If your soulmate has gone through something traumatic, currently or childhood, you find yourself having dreams about that event even if you haven't gone through the same thing.

16. You can send your soulmate a riddle, leading them to a place of your choice.  They can choose whenever to go there.  Most hope to meet them at that place by chance.

17. Your vision is tinted to the color your soulmate is feeling:

Red: Anger, stress, hate

Orange: Excitement

Yellow: Happiness

Green: Disgust, envy, sick

Blue: Sadness, pain

Purple: Fear, mad + sad

Grey: Depressed, moody, anxious

Black: Cold, mournfulness, bitter

Pink: Embarrassment, love, peace

White: Shock, fear

Mixed/Changing: mixed emotions, covering up emotions, emotional confusion

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