Scenarios (page 2)

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Scenario 3: (any allowed here)

You were on your break (most any job works here) when you notice someone that looked very turned around. They keep muttering something under their breath, and appear to have gotten lost. You-

Scenario 4: (preferably any furry or neko, but humans can work too. Powers are also in use here)

One day: the news declared that anyone not human and that had powers had to be tagged. Especially if you were not human and had powers. People were split into ranks based on breed (if they were not human) and power. A being the most dangerous and F being human or of no threat.

The majority were C, D, E or F. It was pretty rare to be rank A. Some are able to change ranks, but that's incredibly difficult and expensive. (I can help you figure out your rank). You'll have to get a special ID card that displays your full name, breed and rank.

Rank 'A'- Dragon, Phoenix (basically any mythical creature besides leprechauns/dwarfs and the 'little' people), any power to do with destruction or creation.

Rank 'B': Breeds of anything poisonous, water based predators (depends on location), powers to do with electricity, poison, gases and the air.

Rank 'C': Animal breeds that would be in a Savannah or glade/plains: lions, panthers, birds of prey: you get the idea), powers to do with the manipulation of the mind and body (telekinesis: that kind of stuff, just let me know what it does specifically), any breed that can change into a full animal.

Rank 'D': 'normal' birds (jays, sparrows), animal breeds that are based in the woods (wolves, lynxes, bears), powers to do with physical appearance (changing how they look: such as eye color/hair length/height, etc).

Rank 'E': domestic animals (dogs, cats, fish), any animal that doesn't usually have problems with humans, mild powers such as helping a flower blossom: powers that don't appear to have a major cause of danger, any human with better than average reflexes or abilities (yes, every athlete people).

Rank 'F': humans without any special power or reflexes, leprechauns (this is where tiny's and the little people are).

The missing rank- '???': This is what you will see when a power is detected, and remains unknown (that's a huge problem), or if they just can't determine the breed. Typically an unknown breed will be placed in E or F ranks until the true rank is determined.

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