"Well, it's not exactly that way"

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You know the cliche of a woman that's really good at fighting and stuff, but has the excuse 'I had older brothers'? Yeah, well, that was the inspiration for this dude.

Name: Alex Rivers (Alejandro Rivera)

Nickname: Al, Gringo, Fish

Age: 28 (or whatever works)

Gender: male


Species: human


I've not tried blonde before-

Background:Alex was born as Alejandro to a Hispanic couple

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Alex was born as Alejandro to a Hispanic couple. He was the first, and only boy they had. Alex has two older sister, Luz and Aurora, nonidentical twins. He also gained two younger sisters but the age of 8. Named Isabel, often called Isa, and Naomi. So he had to watch the younger girls often growing up.
His mother looked white so she didn't look like your typical Hispanic. She had a paler complexion than others, often resulting in people calling her White. Which she normally corrected, and often had to prove so.
Alex's father got into trouble with people from a big drug cartel. In order to pay off this debt, Alex's father had to join the group. Even then, he was killed.
Alex shared his mom's looks , appearing to be White even though he spoke Spanish very well.
When his father was killed, his mother tried to get them all to the United States to keep them safe.
Officially, Alejandro was taken and killed by the Cartel after they were attacked.
But he escaped. Now, he works for the FBI. He was given a new identity. Under the name Alex Rivers, he works as a cop of a city controlled by cartels.
There's one thing, however. Alex works undercover for the very Cartel that killed his father.
He is their way to 'clean up loose ends.' So he is supposed to 'get rid of' the people that could cause trouble to the Cartel. People that see the ones dealing.
Alex doesn't kill anyone though. When Alex tracks someone down that is his 'target' he changes the identity of these people and gets them safely. Some of them even come to work for his agency. Which provides great insight on a couple missions.
The only thing Alex wants, though, is to reunite with his family. They don't know he is alive, and he is only able to occasionally see them, from a distance of course.

What they are typically wearing:

What they are typically wearing:

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Mostly at the station:

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Mostly at the station:

Likes: his family, his job, helping others, keeping people safe, relaxing, a challenge, acting like he doesn't know Spanish, photography

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Likes: his family, his job, helping others, keeping people safe, relaxing, a challenge, acting like he doesn't know Spanish, photography

Dislikes: acting like a bad guy, the Cartel, drugs, dealers, crooked cops, rapists, when people talk about him or his family

Sexuality: pan

Alex is the kind of person that looks very off putting, but is pretty laid back once you get to know him a little bit. Since he looks pale, and his ID and passport say he's American, they assume he cannot understand Spanish.
This makes for some very good eavesdropping situations. He also has a tendency to zero in on certain details. As such, he gets the mindset of either 'ooh, shiny' or hyper-focused. There is sometimes no in-between.

Kids/husband/wife(bf/gf): none, well, none you count taking care of his two little sisters.

Crush: none

Power: photographic memory, he can change anything into a toy version and back



Alex's mother is no longer alive, having suffered from a seizure that sadly immobilized her before she passed. As such, the girls were left alone, and their brother couldn't help directly.
The twins Luz and Aurora work at the children's hospital to keep their small apartment. Alex likes to hang around occasionally, and people tend to think nothing of him.
That's where the nickname Fish is from. Isa saw Alex one day, and upon hearing his 'last name,' the girl decided to call him Fish.

Scenario A:
Your partner, Alex, has been acting odd lately. (For the regular police) There's been an increase in homicides and the officers were starting to get stretched thin. Thanks to some late-night scouting, on your own behalf, you tracked down some members of the Lobos Cartel. Thought only to see your own partner walk in as well. What are you doing?

Scenario B:
You've gotten into some trouble with a big Drug Gang. And one night, someone breaks into your house. You recognized him. He was a detective. Before you could yell for any kind of help, he stops you. "Relax, I'm not here to kill you, well, technically." He said before explaining he was an FBI agent undercover. You get a new identity under the Witness Protection Program, but would have to testify if a trail was held. You-

Scenario C:
You are Alex's real partner, for the FBI. While he is trying to take the Cartel down from the inside, you are trying to find other ways into it from the other side. Well, one day, you were found out. You were captured and brought to a secret location. Where Alex soon arrived. What's going to happen next?

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