Scenario (page 4)

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Scenario 6:

The two ocs are from similar, but alternate worlds.  Where you both end up in one that is not your own.  You have to find the other and figure out what happened to return home.

Scenario 7:

You've been kidnapped and put into teams of two.  You have to survive series of tests together on order to survive.  You've been given bracelets you can not take off.  If one of you die, the other will as well.  You both have to survive the tests to figure out who's behind them and win.

Scenario 8:

Hunger Games-

Cross-species: no two teams have the same species/abilities as another team.  Expect you both must survive.

Scenario 9:

You wake up on day to find a war has broken out real war/turf war, ur choice Do you hide, try to get away, or do you try and find out the cause to stop it?

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