4 - Seaside Secrets

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If you haven't read Shadows in the Dark, you learn what you missed from Wendy's story.

On his fourth day at his parents, his mother was in the kitchen fixing lunch when he wandered down for a cup of coffee.

"Did you just wake up again?"

Pouring his coffee, he looked at her. She was dressed like sunshine, although beyond the window was only grey mist. Was it queer to think of his mum as beautiful? Was it her glowing complexion or her jolly outlook about everything except for Lord and Lady Gorham?

After taking a sip of the warm liquid, he felt the caffeine flow through his body. Feeling the effect, he was ready to answer her. "I've been very productive after dinner, working until two or three every morning. In fact, I called Kendall last night. I'm thinking of a North American book tour."

"Dearest, you can't run away. You need to talk to her, eventually. I think she's figured out you are here."

"Have you told her?"

"Of course not. I promise, I'm on your side, but I don't want you to make a mistake. I understand better than you know."

How could she understand? Because she ran away? "Dad said you liked to run away. He said you went to the seaside."

"What did he tell you?" Her voice was sharp. It caused him to drop his mug with a thud and his drink to slop over the side.

"Something about the seaside and starting your first book. He was proud he kept me."

She smiled. "As he should be. He wasn't very adept at nappies and he took care of you alone for three days while he was mourning his brother. I was lucky you were well and whole when I returned."

He smirked. "I remember him helping with the girls. He held them and..."

"He had to with two of them and Martha was always unhappy. She was a fiery one. My Mum says I deserved it, because I was the same. You and Millie were my calm babies."

"He said you ran away more than once."

"I did." She sighed. "We told you about living in the States before you were born."

"Yes, you have those people we get Christmas cards from, but I don't know who they are."

"Right. Nora and her husband, Alice and Rick and Todd Evans and his wife. I met them when I ran away to the seaside. I stayed for quite some time and I worked two jobs to support myself."

"Why? Why did Dad let you?"

She shook her head. "He didn't ignore me. He fought for me. Do you think Penny's trying to fight for you?"

"Dad would never cheat." He knew that in every fiber of his body.

"No, he wouldn't, but I felt so low about myself, I thought he did. I sold coffee and fish."

Matthew released a nervous laugh. "You were a fishmonger!"

"It was a nice shop, and I lived in a little flat above it. Much of that little place inspired Seaside Secrets."

Matthew knew a little about the plot of her first book. A young woman was betrayed by her boyfriend and moved to a seaside town.

"It's about forgiveness. You should read it." She held up her hand. "I know you don't like my genre, but I don't like yours and I've read every one of your books. I feel as though Astara and Roman are my children too."

When she disappeared into her office, he wandered around the house. Staring at the bookcase, he pulled out Seaside Secrets. He turned it over and looked at the picture of a younger version of his mum. When he was young, he wanted his picture in a book as well. Now he had it on six with the seventh due for release soon. He flung himself on his unmade bed. As he opened the book, he thought, there had better not be sex in here. Reading it he heard his mother's voice telling the story. He didn't know it was semi autobiographical.

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