8) The Troll

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It had been weeks since Hermione's birthday and I had been doing well in avoiding Malfoy as much as possible. The only times I had seen him was during Potions and a couple of times at lunch. Furthermore Ron, Harry and Hermione seemed to be getting along better. They were beginning to speak to each other normally but they still mostly avoided each other.

It seemed as if things were going well and this was only enhanced when we were sat at dinner.

"Are you expecting any mail?" Hermione asked me

"No, I don't think I'm getting anything. You never know though, Mum and Dad might just want to talk. What about you?"

"Dad said he would write again soon but I doubt he'd have another letter already."

"Well we'll see, the post is here now." I pointed out.

To our surprise the only one of our friends who got some mail was Harry. He seemed to be as shocked as we were.

"I think that's a broomstick." I told Hermione.

"I can't believe it, he's getting rewarded for breaking the rules." She said

"You wouldn't be saying that if I got the broomstick, would you."

"Well you were only making sure Harry didn't get hurt. You didn't want to break the rules."

By this point Harry had finished reading the letter attached and given it to Ron.

"A Nimbus Two Thousand." Ron exclaimed "I've never even touched one."

After hearing this, I moved over towards the two of them.

"Who got you that?" I asked with excitement. "That's one of the best brooms you can get."

"It was McGonagall." Harry said with glee "We're not meant to open it here, come on."

We left to go back to the common room and open it when we passed Hermione.

"I'll see you later, sorry about rushing off."

She groaned in response and went back to eating her food. As we left the hall we unfortunately encountered Malfoy. He seized the package from Harry's arms and inspected it.

"That's a broomstick." Malfoy spat "You're in for it now Potter, first years aren't allowed them."

"It's not any old broomstick, it's a Nimbus Two Thousand." Ron interrupted with a grin. "You've got what, a Comet that's not even in the same league as the Nimbus."

I rolled my eyes at his attempts to provoke the other boy.

"What would you know about it Weasley? You couldn't afford half the handle." Malfoy snapped back

Before Ron could respond Flitwick intervened.

"Not arguing I hope boys."

"Potter's been sent a broomstick Professor." Malfoy said quickly

"Yes, yes I've been made aware of the special circumstances. What model is it Potter?" Flitwick told us beaming at Harry

"A Nimbus two thousand, sir." said Harry struggling to keep his laughter at bay because of Malfoy's expression of horror.

I was smirking at Malfoy and his anger was clearly growing. This wasn't helped by Harry's next comment.

"Really it's all thanks to Malfoy here that I got it."

Now he looked furious and slightly confused. We left Malfoy to think over what we had said and hurried away badly covering our laughter.

As we reached the tower we encountered Hermione who had somehow got in front of us. I was hoping she wouldn't say anything but knowing her she might.

The Telepath: A Hermione Granger x Male Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now